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Search results

  1. Y

    selecting sheet to consolidate

    good point smallman. let me update code to see if it works. excellent suggestion.
  2. Y

    selecting sheet to consolidate

    it works but the only thing is the code always ask for the sheetname. how can i place it outside of the loop so i don't have to continuously type in the name every time it loops. i will see if there is a solution
  3. Y

    sumproduct not working

    great suggestion. but with pivot table, i have to refresh the underlying data all the time. with this structure, i only have to copy and paste. more scaleable even though pivot from a design standpoint is better. thanks
  4. Y

    selecting sheet to consolidate

    good evening all. I have a code that was created and it works perfectly. the only modification, i need is the ability to select the sheet I would like to consolidate. let me give you a brief background. i have multiple workbooks by state with 12 tabs in each workbook. the tabs are the same...
  5. Y

    sumproduct not working

    okay. i am till dumbfounded and thanks prsa but in reviewing both spreadsheets, where are the spaces? I see you highlighted it yellow Prsa but there is not difference between yours and mine.
  6. Y

    sumproduct not working

    thank you all. I tried ramesh solution and it works. But Naraya, where are the spaces and what sheet. I checked to make sure their were no spaces in the table. Thanks for your help
  7. Y

    sumproduct not working

    i need help. for some reason my sumproduct is not working. the ranges are the same and i for the life of me can not seem to know what is happening. i can not use sumifs because the format has to be 2003 compatible. i tried array formula using sum and if and still not working. thank you very...
  8. Y

    delete all non-empty rows

    I forgot the attachment
  9. Y

    delete all non-empty rows

    Can someone help me with a more efficient way to use the last row statement. I keep havign to change the destination cell number everytime if i use a different workbook or parameter. The issue i am having is highlighed in red. LastRow = ActiveSheet.Range("D94").End(xlUp).Row If LastRow > 1 Then...
  10. Y

    last row modification

    I apologize. What an idiot. I am. Here is the full code. Sub mod_consolidate_multi_wkbk() Dim strListSheet As String, sh As Worksheet, TargetSh As Worksheet Dim DestCell As Range, LastRow As Long, i As Integer, strFileNamePath As String Dim strFileName As String, currentWB As Workbook...
  11. Y

    last row modification

    To all, Can someone help me with a more efficient way to use the last row statement. I keep havign to change the destination cell number everytime if i use a different workbook or parameter. The issue i am having is highlighed in red. LastRow = ActiveSheet.Range("D94").End(xlUp).Row If...
  12. Y

    deleting last row in range

    I have uploaded the file with the ranges need to be modified in yellow. Thanks
  13. Y

    deleting last row in range

    I have the following vba code that searches for the last row with data and then deletes up. But i want to modify it where it only selects the range with the last data instead dand then select the range and move up. The range for the selection from column b to column i...
  14. Y

    Last row error

    i think i got this one. i need to activate the workbook....let me see if this works
  15. Y

    Last row error

    its weird but it worked. on anothe consolidated macro i did not have to declare the sheet. but the sheets were on all the same workbook. this macro the sheets are on different workbooks that needs to be consolidated. Chandoo's consolidated macro works but is not for dynamic range. it is strictly...
  16. Y

    Last row error

    it just skips right over the code. Conceptually, the macro is correct but I am missing something. this should be a very simple process but i am lost on how to copy. my brains are fried....lol
  17. Y

    Last row error

    dumb question mike but how do i select the ranges now that this work i want to select only range b7:y7 with the last row. once again, learning vba and will see if i can add to your code. LastRow = Sheets("Daily Activity").Range("D500").End(xlUp).Row ---this is working from here the...
  18. Y

    Last row error

    thanks for the quick response Mike. Let me try now
  19. Y

    Last row error

    can you check to see where i am going wrong with this last row error. Everything is working except that. I apprecaite your help. Will also see if i can find solutions.
  20. Y

    folder and subfolder vba

    I think what i might have to do is get the filename for every single file and then run the macro that way.... any suggestions??
  21. Y

    folder and subfolder vba

    Okay. I modified the code but it is getting me a compile error saying the Loop doesn't have Do While associated with it. I do show that is not the case. Is my Do While structure inappropriate? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks ------macro starts------ Option Explicit Public Const...
  22. Y

    folder and subfolder vba

    I found this online and see if this will work: Sub LoopThroughFolder() Dim folderPath As String Dim filename As String Dim WB As Workbook folderPath = "C:\Orders\Dan\" If Right(folderPath, 1) <> "\" Then folderPath = folderPath + "\" filename = Dir(folderPath & "*.xls") Do...
  23. Y

    folder and subfolder vba

    forgot the attachment
  24. Y

    folder and subfolder vba

    hello all. i need help. i am writing a consolidation code and just need direction in opening any files in a folder and subfolder in a given directory that is .xls extension so i then can copy and paste into a summary sheet. I know how to do consolidation but i am stuck on how to search and...
  25. Y

    Consolidating worksheets from Microsoft Sharepoint

    found the solution. thank you.