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  1. Y

    Automate word file via excel

    Hi all, I have created a macro that is supposed to open a word file and save the word document with a different name in a different location. The names are based on data in range. It seems like everything is working until I come to this code: ActiveDocument.SaveAs folderpath & "\" &...
  2. Y

    Text Extraction between hypens

    can you please explain Khalid. Thanks for your help. Still learning the various techniques out there. 2016-04 - Alabama- Team Member Log - 1.xlsm
  3. Y

    Copy only non blank filtered cells

    Hi I am consolidating various workbooks into one master workbook and some workbooks that I am consolidating have no data in the copy range. How can I modify the below code to skip or copy non blank cells. Thanks for your help. Set sh = Sheets("Hospitalized Patient") 'activate hospital...
  4. Y

    Text Extraction between hypens

    this worked really well. Thank you Bosco. I don't know how you do it with these complicated formulas but it worked
  5. Y

    Text Extraction between hypens

    This is a tricky one. So I need one formula that will extract from the end of the date and the last hypen. in the below instance, it would be Alabama and KY-WV, that needs to be extracted 2016-03 - Alabama- DirectConnect Summary Report.xlsm 2016-03 - KY-WV- DirectConnect Summary Report.xlsm
  6. Y

    Text Extraction between hypens

    Hi, Without using text to column feature, how can I extract the text "Alabama" from the below string. I started with the below formula, but it is not working. Any help would be much appreciated. =SUBSTITUTE(MID(SUBSTITUTE("-" & J11&REPT("-",6),",",REPT("-",255)),2*255,255),"-","") 2016-03 -...
  7. Y

    Delete subfolder and files

    Thanks shrivallabha. I am going to try this code because the other code did not delete the files in the subfolders. It deleted the entire subfolders. I only need the files deleted in the subfolders. I will let you know if this works.
  8. Y

    Delete subfolder and files

    This is a dumb question. how do I "like"?
  9. Y

    Delete subfolder and files

    Curious, where did I go wrong and I will definitely like it
  10. Y

    Delete subfolder and files

    Thanks Yasser. It worked and I modified it to not delete the subfolder. Thank you both
  11. Y

    Delete subfolder and files

    Hi. I just need the contents of the subfolders deleted. let me try the code Yasser provided and see if it works. stay tuned!! and thanks
  12. Y

    Delete subfolder and files

    Hi I found a macro where I can delete all files located in subfolders but for some reason this macro is not working. Attached is the image of the subfolders Sub Clear_All_Files_And_SubFolders_In_Folder() 'Delete all files and subfolders 'Be sure that no file is open in the folder Dim FSO As...
  13. Y

    List box not working

  14. Y

    List box not working

    I put an error handling code to skip the error. Everything is working but for some reason, the error code still shows up. So I am skipping over the error. If someone can really help to see why, I would be forever grateful. Still learning advance VBA programming.
  15. Y

    List box not working

    I updated it to remove the application.run and still have one issue. When I click on the down arrow button, I still get this error message on the code below highlighted in yellow. The list populates correctly but wondering why the error message is generated. This doesn't happen with the up...
  16. Y

    List box not working

    Will do sir. There is a sheet titled "Hospital Control" which has the dependent list that should populate the list box based on user selection that is on the sheet titled "Hospital Revenue View". The buttons the user will select will either drill up or down to get the required data. This is...
  17. Y

    List box not working

    Thanks Hui. The issue is that the list box data are unique. As you can see from the below code, one code is based on sheet12 and the other is based on sheet 16. So I can not link them because the populated data is different. For some reason, even when I remove the public statement, I still get...
  18. Y

    List box not working

    here is the error that shows up when I debug.
  19. Y

    List box not working

    Hi, Need help with listbox populating. When I click on the up and down button, it gives me an error message. Please see below. The listbox that is causing the error is on the worksheet titled "hospital revenue view" The vba code are on the same sheet in the vba module and it is password...
  20. Y

    vlook in vba in external workbook

    hi all, I have the below code that I need help modifying. I am trying to do a lookup in an external workbook. Table 1 is the table where the lookup ID for the hospital is located. Table 2 is the table where the lookup value is located. I need to know how to lookup an external workbook. I have...
  21. Y

    Running macros by assigning them to values in drop down list

    Thank you and I appreciate you cleaning the code. Thanks again
  22. Y

    Running macros by assigning them to values in drop down list

    Hi all, I need help in calling a macro from the selected dropdown. The name of the macro to call is State_Selection. here is the code based on drop down list Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Select Case Range("State_Selection") Case "AL" Call State_Selection...
  23. Y

    Excel Dashboard using DropDown Boxes

    Hi Kristy, The look you want is structured as a pivot table. As a matter of fact, this data structure is really optimal for pivot. In my humble opinion, I would try to do it as pivot first and play around with the design and layout format before you jump into dash boarding, which is not...
  24. Y

    skip blank autofiltered table

    Luke, Did you have a chance to look at this? Thanks a million
  25. Y

    skip blank autofiltered table

    Here you go Luke. Just open up the zip file and the generator is there including all other relevant file and folder path to run the macro appropriately. https://www.dropbox.com/s/pd64wfx858d4y2j/Pulmonary%20Selection%20%282%29.zip?dl=0 Thanks for you help. I found a around about solution but...