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Search results

  1. S

    Data extracting and Arrangement

    Hi Faseeh, In pervious converstion, I need the Criteria finding in your given function. Sometime, That Criteria(RT5005 - R - RM-BVRS) comes at Cell A1 and sometimes which will comes in A4 or A5 cell. Can you help me to find that particular criteria using your given function. This is...
  2. S

    Data extracting and Arrangement

    Dear Faseeh, I have another one point to this extracting... Some time that criteria(RT5005 - R - RM-BVRS)comes in A1 cell and some time it comes in A4 or A6 cell. So, How to find that Criteria automatically with your already given function. Can i use =TRIM(MID(A:A,FIND("RT5005 - R...
  3. S

    Data extracting and Arrangement

    Dear Faseeh, It working fine. Thanks for your assistance. I need onemore help. How can i get this output in sheet 2 (C1 cell, While Input is available in sheet 1 (A1 cell). Thank with regards, Sampath.S
  4. S

    Data extracting and Arrangement

    Dear Faseeh, Thanks for your reply.... I couldn't understand your answer. I need to extract RT(need at B1 Cell) from RT5005 - R - ST ( which was placed at A1 cell) . Thanks for better understanding. Regards, Sampath.S
  5. S

    Data extracting and Arrangement

    Hello Friend, I need to extract the particular data from grouped data's and which extracting data need to arrange another sheet. Here i mentioned some data's what i want..... Input (Sheet 1) ------- A B C D 1...
  6. S

    Macros for Data Extracting from grouped data's

    Hello Friend, I need to extract the particular data from grouped data's and which extracting data need to arrange another sheet. Here i mentioned some data's what i want..... Input (Sheet 1) A B C D 1 RT5005 - R...
  7. S

    Data formating - Macros

    Hi Narayan, Your given document is working fine. Thanks for your support for our project. I really excited. Thanks once again. Regards, Sampath.S
  8. S

    Data formating - Macros

    Hi NARAYAN, Thanks for your response, sorry, That one is typo error, your statment is right(R265). Please help me do make that format. we have huge data such kind of inputs. Sampath
  9. S

    Help to create the macros to Data Arrangment automatically.

    Dear Friend, I need to arrange the Set of data's which i give in below mentioned link. http://www.fileconvoy.com/dfl.php?id=g2053754e7ed07f4b999271653a2a5a46cf534f112 Needed things, In this Set of Data's 1, If two numbers ( space between these numbers ) are availabe in the same cell...
  10. S

    Data formating - Macros

    Dear Friend, I need to convert the huge data from following format. INPUT A B C......... 1 S1 S2 S3 2 105 262 MA 3 266 107 1088 4 R262 1088 262 107 5...
  11. S

    VBA Script Assistance

    Dear Narayan, Some time, 586 754 has comeing in single cell, while i coping this part no ( 587, 1202 like that) from PDF and paste to excel, the same manner in SE no also. if two/three no (586 754) in the same cell, We assumed, S2 S4 586 132 754...
  12. S

    VBA Script Assistance

    Dear NARAYANK991, In Input, S1,S2,S3,S4 is sheet no,and other is part no except SE**** - *. some time, two part no can come in single cell between the "space". Some time Part no and "SE" Can come in single cell. The output is, S1 is one cell and other part no is another cell as already...
  13. S

    VBA Script Assistance

    Dear Friend, I need the following ouputs from mentioned inputs. INPUTS (Column based Inputs) S1 S2 S3 S4 75 586,754 131 132,NA 645 859 785 R55 NA R65 1022 2022...
  14. S

    Please Help me about Macros

    Dear Luke, It is work very charm. Thanks for your asistance. Thank with Regards, Sampath.S
  15. S

    Please Help me about Macros

    Hello friend, I need to know the following numbering convertion using macros in excel. I/P (Sheet 1) A B S1 150-172-200 S2 150-172-174 S3 485-754-781 S4 119-149-163-242 S5 150-MF-R319 Needed O/P (Sheet 2) A B 119 S4 149 S4 150 S1-S2-S5 172 S1-S2 163 S4 174 S2...