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Search results

  1. V

    Summing columns with repetition

    Narayank, nice one. I was thinking if we could use this formula instead (trying to avoid iferror). =MAX(MIN(E7:G7),LARGE(H7:J7,2),K7,L7,M7) From columns B to D - all subjects are chosen so there are no others to choose from From E to G- best 2 have already been chosen so you are left with...
  2. V

    VBA code to delete blank rows and fill blanks with data directly above them

    Thanks. I was thinking one could also use an inputbox for col1 and col2 just to ease its adaptation to data in different columns.
  3. V

    VBA code to delete blank rows and fill blanks with data directly above them

    You were right afterall. I pout mine in columns A and B. Very sorry for not believing in the master. Thanks so much, you are the best. What if the data in column C were in column E, what alterations would i make to the script
  4. V

    VBA code to delete blank rows and fill blanks with data directly above them

    Thanks Hui, It doesn't do what I want exactly. Have you had a look at the workbook I uploaded. The workbook has the raw data on the left and the expected output on the right.
  5. V

    VBA code to delete blank rows and fill blanks with data directly above them

    I would post a sample workbook so that you can understand what I intend to achieve. I have data with some blank rows in between which i want to get rid off and then fill in the blank cells with the cells directly above it. In the sample workbook, i show an example of the raw data and what i...
  6. V

    Running Balance/total using Excel VBA

    Not at all Your solution is the way to go. Just that in some other application we use in my office, we run scripts to perform operations like running balances and i wanted to see how that could be done with VBA although there's another twist to my question which i'ld post shortly.
  7. V

    Running Balance/total using Excel VBA

    Thanks so much It works like a charm I should say that I wasn't far off.
  8. V

    Running Balance/total using Excel VBA

    What I want to do is perform a running balance for data in column a. An example is when i have data in columnA, i want the balances to show in column B using VBA For example, ColA ColB 1 1 4 5 (1+4) 5 10 (1+4+5) 6...
  9. V

    Effectively searching for a record that meets certain criteria (URGENT)

    I have tried the filter like you suggested and I would say that it works quite well. So what I did was create a button that would filter and another that will remove the filter. So i would say it works quite fine. Thanks so much for your help.
  10. V

    Effectively searching for a record that meets certain criteria (URGENT)

    Thanks Luke for ur suggestion, If i had say 300 records like that and say from the sample data uploaded, pord Nuban returns the hard drive, i would like to be able to access his record straight up simply by knowing his name and the hard drive tag and status as "Not yet returned" to update the...
  11. V

    Effectively searching for a record that meets certain criteria (URGENT)

    Please where can i upload a sample worksheet cause the data does not appear as formatted as it should be
  12. V

    Effectively searching for a record that meets certain criteria (URGENT)

    Sample data: DATE REQUESTED STAFF NAME GRADE TAG SIZE RETURNED DATE STATUS 16-Nov-11 Akan anam Analyst Vic02 340GB 18-Nov-11 Returned 16-Nov-11 manam ana SenAna Vic01 320GB Not available 16-Nov-11 margot truska SenAna Vic03 250GB 17-Dec-11 Returned 16-Nov-11 Jand Tyron Admin Vic04...
  13. V

    hard drive Tracker

    Thanks Luke, You've been so helpful. Her approach and macro work fine, but how can I get generate a summary wich always updates as more rcords are added. I would have thought a pivot table but the source data would have to change every time and i wouldnt want to that. I probably would want...
  14. V

    hard drive Tracker

    Thanks luke,I appreciate. i was wndering how i could add something like a data validation to input the names, hard-drive name and date requested. Could i have some cells that accept as input the hard drive name (A1), staff name (A2)and date requested(A3, maybe a calendar entry) and maybe an...
  15. V

    hard drive Tracker

    I manage about 20 staff members and have 40 hard drives which staff members collect from time to time and return when done. I want to be able to track all drives with the date it was collected, the staff and date of return if already returned and a status field saying (available, not yet...
  16. V

    shortcut to insert rows

    GCExcel has said it all anyways You could also use ctrl+shift+= once you have selected an entire row. If you dont have a/the row selected, you get a dialog box asking you how you want the row to be inserted but with a row selected, the shortcut inserts a row above it. It also works for columns...
  17. V

    Macros to Hide some worksheets in a workbook

    I have a workbook with 10 worksheets. The 10 worksheets belong to 5 diff industries. e.g Sheet 1 & 2 - Technology, Sheet3&4 - oil and Gas, Sheet 5 and 6 - pharmaceutical..... What i want to do is have a listbox pop up when the workbook is opened that asks which industry you want and after a...
  18. V

    Autofilteriing Dynamically the Top n records from data

  19. V

    Adding color to a cell beased on the value in the column

    Conditional formatting is a good option especially if you don't want to use VBA. Just select conditional formatting and choose Using a formula to determine what cells to format. Hope it helps
  20. V

    Autofilteriing Dynamically the Top n records from data

    I have data setup in columns A,B and C with Column A having Product names, Column B (no of requests for the product) and C having sales per product. Column D1 is supposed to be where I insert the value of n which then causes the data in columns A-C to be autofiltered to give the top n Values...