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Search results

  1. R

    VBA manipulation of PivotTables

    Hi all, My question can basically be simplified to asking the difference between a couple ways of writing code, which seem identical to me but one works and one does not. Adding a field called "User Id" to the table, Excel usually makes this a sum because it is all numbers. However...
  2. R

    Paste as Linked Picture causes performance issues?

    Thanks fred. Turns out I may have helped the issue but reducing the level of zoom. For some reason the sheet was always on 120% zoom, and when I ticked it down to 100% the scrolling was a bit smoother. Hope this helps anyone else who runs into this issue.
  3. R

    Paste as Linked Picture causes performance issues?

    It doesn't matter if I have 10 other programs open or nothing...scrolling is just choppy. My task manager shows excel is using a fraction of the resources as my internet browser, so just wanted some ideas if using Linked Pictures is known to cause slow scrolling. I can even delete most of the...
  4. R

    Paste as Linked Picture causes performance issues?

    I recently created a dashboard and pasted several tables as linked pictures (column and row width just were not allowing me to get where I wanted). It looks great but scrolling is just about terrible sometimes. Usually if i scroll down with the mouse it refreshes every second for a few...
  5. R

    Using TextToColumns in VBA

    My macro loops through and does the TextToColumns method once for each cell containing text delimiters. ('If cell.Value Like "*|*" Then...'). Then I can transpose the new row. Just wanted to check if I was missing out on array functionality but this is working great. Thanks for the response.
  6. R

    Using TextToColumns in VBA

    I have been trying to get the results of a TextToColumns function filled into an array, turn it into a vertical array, then fill a column with those values. Temporarily I have opted to use the function, fill out a horizontal range, then cut and tranpose that range to where I want it. Just to...
  7. R

    Using VBA to hide all sheets except X,Y, and Z

    This either hides all my worksheets, or causes Excel to crash. Whats wrong with this? Dim ws As Worksheet For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets Select Case ws.Name Case "X", "Y", "Z", "XX", "YY" Sh.Visible = True Case Else Sh.Visible = False End Select...
  8. R

    Using VBA to hide all sheets except X,Y, and Z

    Looks good, I knew it was something simple like that but just couldn't get it to compile. I was missing the .Name for Sh...thanks so much!
  9. R

    Using VBA to hide all sheets except X,Y, and Z

    Hello all, I'm making a pretty large workbook with over 20 worksheets, and would like to have different sets of worksheets show depending on which option button is selected on the main sheet. I have done this, but it is very inefficient and difficult to update when new sheets are added...