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  1. Busymanjohn

    Making dates show with text

    Hi, I am looking for a little help with dates .... I am creating a new spreadsheet and I want a date to appear in three separate cells ( which will be then be shown in rectangle shapes ), I can easily get the day of the week in one cell, the month in another and the date ( e.g. 17 ) in a third...
  2. Busymanjohn

    Highlight cells if data appears in more than one column

    It's ok guys ,,, found out what I was doing wrong in my original formula ,,,,, thanks anyway
  3. Busymanjohn

    Highlight cells if data appears in more than one column

    Should have said, I can use conditional format to highlight cells that appear in Col A and Col B using the Conditional Format, but need to be able to highlight using 3 columns.
  4. Busymanjohn

    Highlight cells if data appears in more than one column

    I have a file which has part numbers in three columns, I need to highlight those parts which appear in more than one column, e.g. a part 1234567 appearing in column A and column B, part 2345678 appearing in column A, B and C.
  5. Busymanjohn

    Email from Excel using VBA

    Sorry , I should have said, this needs to be Excel 2003 version. Thanks
  6. Busymanjohn

    Email from Excel using VBA

    Hi everyone, Poser for you ... I have a spreadsheet I'm using to keep track of course material and updates. However as this sheet contains hundreds of entries, I wish to automate it a little bit more, and add a macro to automatically send a notification to the owner via e-mail if the last update...
  7. Busymanjohn

    RANK Data to Break Ties

    Hi Hui, understand the way the rank is working, maybe I need to look at the scoring system instead. The reason I say that 14.014 should be higher in rank to 14.017 is that if we look at the judges placings, the contestant with a score of 14.014 has 2x 9th placings while the contestant with...
  8. Busymanjohn

    RANK Data to Break Ties

    Hi Hui, yes, data is copied down ,, and I get the same result as you ,, if you look at the results, 14.014 should be ranked 8th and 14.017 should be ranked 9th.
  9. Busymanjohn

    RANK Data to Break Ties

    Hi Hui, thanks for the feedback, appreciate it. In my example though, with the changes made as per your post, there is a tie break ( rows 14 and 17 ) both with scores of 14 and based on the judges scores, row 14 should be in 8th place and not 9th. I guess I could sort the data based on column X...
  10. Busymanjohn

    RANK Data to Break Ties

    Hi guys, I've been asked to create a file for a contest. There are five judges giving nine contestants scores. It's simple enough to count the scores and rank the results based on the scores, but having a little difficulty with tied places. I am using =IF(COUNTIF to break the ties, which works...
  11. Busymanjohn

    Extracting multiple entries

    Thanks Hui, I will have a closer look at this, appreciate your insight as always. Thanks again.
  12. Busymanjohn

    Extracting multiple entries

    Hi Hui ,,,, I don't have Excel 2007 or 2010 ( yet ), neither does the user of this report unfortunately, but feel free to pass on the solution you found with the better versions of Excel. However, your solution using Dupe with Advanced filter seems to work, I have tested it on the example file...
  13. Busymanjohn

    Extracting multiple entries

    Hi Hui, Yeah, but a unique list of the order numbers will include those which only appear once as well as those which appear multiple times ..... there must be a way to do this, but perhaps it can only be done with VBA code ( which I am not good at ).
  14. Busymanjohn

    Emailing using Excel

    Hi Luke, some good tips in the link, thanks for that. Not sure it entirely helps me, I had hoped there was a way to set up a distribution list in Excel containing a list of emails i.d. which I could attach to a button perhaps and have that populate an email with a message ,,, i guess king of...
  15. Busymanjohn

    Emailing using Excel

    Hi, I am looking for a solution to a small problem. I have a list of data, name, address, email i.d. etc in a spreadsheet, which records who attended which meeting group ( group on and group two ). Is there a way to send an email to those groups separately ( I may want to add a personal note...
  16. Busymanjohn

    Extracting multiple entries

    Hi Hui, thanks for the reply, I don't think this is going to help me solve the problem. The solution of using the advanced filter relies on knowing the criteria, in this case knowing the order numbers which appear more than once, however, the user will NOT know which order numbers appear more...
  17. Busymanjohn

    Extracting multiple entries

    Example file posted in the URL below ... Fileswap. http://www.fileswap.com/dl/fNf3yP/Return_Mulitple_Entries.xls.html
  18. Busymanjohn

    Extracting multiple entries

    Hi guys ,,,, Had a look at Advanced Filter and it's a good tool to have,however I am either doing something wrong or it's not quite what I am looking for. Yes I can filter the report to show the relevant data for specific order numbers, but the user will not know what those order numbers are...
  19. Busymanjohn

    Extracting multiple entries

    Hi Hui, Not sure that would work, the order numbers are numerous and are random throughout the report. The criteria I have is to show the ship status, order number, product and qty. Ship status contains various stages, build, shipped, on order and In Mfg.
  20. Busymanjohn

    Extracting multiple entries

    Hey Luke ,,,, I've tried a few things, including using a Pivot Table, but the report is so large pivots can only cope with a portion of the data. I can post a sample of the data if you wish, just let me know where to post ,,, Rapid Share etc etc.
  21. Busymanjohn

    Extracting multiple entries

    Hi, A colleague has asked me if there is a way, in Excel 2003, to extract data from a large report that has multiple entries .... i.e. show the order number and other relevant data for each line. I had initially used INDEX and MATCH in conjunction with the SMALL function in one tab, while in the...
  22. Busymanjohn

    Conditional Format Question

    Hi xld ,,,, thanks for the reply ,,, but after playing around some more I discovered that I had the formula back to front ( Doh! ) ... should be K5-C5>100 for it to work, but thanks for the reply, your reply is correct ..... see what happens when you take a couple of weeks off, brain becomes...
  23. Busymanjohn

    Conditional Format Question

    Hi guys, I have a small query. Is it possible to use Conditional Format to highlight a cell if the sum of that cell minus another cell is greater than 100 .... so, if the sum of C5-K5 is greater than 100 highlight RED. I've tried various things and none seem to work.
  24. Busymanjohn

    Quick one on Cell Value Changes

    Hi guys, I've been looking for a simple macro ( or formatting if possible ) that will change the colour of cells within a worksheet when the value is changed .... this will need to encompass a large area of data, in addition I need to reset those changed cells to No Fill once all the updates...
  25. Busymanjohn

    Colour Code New Month

    Hi guys, little poser for you. If using a file that contains monthly data say starts at Jan and we wanted to colour a column every time a new month was added what is the best way to achieve this?