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Search results

  1. Busymanjohn

    Countif problem

    Hi guys, back again ,,, had a slight problem with the COUNTIFS formula, the solution was for one of my colleagues and has Excel 2003 only, so obviously the COUNTIFS does not work. How can I solution this with 2003 version? remember col B has the dates ( in format 11-Dec-11, 12-Dec-11 etc ) and...
  2. Busymanjohn

    Countif problem

    Thanks Hui ,, with a couple of tweaks ,, works a treat. prasaddn, nice idea with the pivot tables ,, i personally am not a fan of them, so tend to steer clear, but will give it a go and see how it looks. Thanks again.
  3. Busymanjohn

    Countif problem

    Hey guys, this one is racking my brains ,,, i have a table of data, col B has dates from 11-dec-11 to 17-dec-11 ( 5000 rows ), with the dates appearing many many times each. in col G i have costs ranging from zero to >$5000 ,,,, what I want to extract is a table with a count of, by day ( so...
  4. Busymanjohn

    Filter data based on colour of a cell - Excel 2003

    Hi Narayank991 ,,, I should have mentioned it's an Excel 2003 version being used. Hi Indian ,,,, nice tip, but doesn't seem to work with conditional formatting. Any other ideas?
  5. Busymanjohn

    Filter data based on colour of a cell - Excel 2003

    Hi guys, quick poser, a colleague has a set of data that she has used conditional formatting to highlight where the information from columns M & N do not match in yellow background, what she wants to be able to do next is filter that data to show only the highlighted yellow cells .... is there a...
  6. Busymanjohn

    Import several .tsv files into one Excel file

    Hey asa / Luke ,,,, I managed to find a guy who gave me this code ,,, and seems to work well ... but thanks for the feedback guys, I really appreciate it ,,, next stop Amazon for a book on VBA. Sub MoveData() i = 1 With Worksheets("Summary") For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets If...
  7. Busymanjohn

    Import several .tsv files into one Excel file

    Hi asa ,,, thanks for the reply, can you do the adjustments to Luke's code that would help me do this?
  8. Busymanjohn

    Import several .tsv files into one Excel file

    Hi Luke, any ideas on how I can change the code to do what I need it to do ,,, I've tried updating the MyValue = ws.Range("A1")to MyValue = ws.Range("A1:Z300"), but it doesn't work ,,,, and I'm now stuck :-(
  9. Busymanjohn

    Creating an alert in excel

    Hi , you could use a Message Box based on a date for example.
  10. Busymanjohn

    Dashboard - Table Scroll Sort addition

    Hi rjacmuto32 ,,,, sounds to me like you are looking for a drop down list to enable you to view only certain data within your Dashboard ( or part of your Dashboard ) ,.. am I right ? BTW, Skydrive looks to be down, can't access the file
  11. Busymanjohn


    Hi ,,, Not sure why you are looking for an IF statement ( please verify if this is not what you are looking for ) .... but try this in cell K2 =I2&" "&J2 .... this combines the values in cells I2 and J2, copy this formula down the other rows to get results.
  12. Busymanjohn

    Import several .tsv files into one Excel file

    Ok, got the Subscript out of range piece working, and the Macro is pulling data from each tab into the Summary tab, but only for what is in cell A1 of each tab ,,,, the range needs to be cell A1 to Z100 ( for now ) and only pull the data where col A in each tab is populated with a country code (...
  13. Busymanjohn

    Import several .tsv files into one Excel file

    I would like the code to pull the data from col A of each tab into a front tab ( say called Summary ), col A of each tab will contain 2 letters which represent country codes and there is ( at present ) 18 of them .... but the letters will not appear on every row in col A of each tab, so I only...
  14. Busymanjohn

    Import several .tsv files into one Excel file

    Hi Luke, Thanks for the code ,,, but when I go to run it I get a message box "Subscript out of range" .... do I need to do something with the code before I run the macro?
  15. Busymanjohn

    Import several .tsv files into one Excel file

    Thanks asa, works well ,,, now, one last thing, after I have merged the files and have them all starting in col. B in each tab ( I will be using column A to do an IF statement ) I would like to have the data from each of the tabs move into a front sheet where col A has country codes and ignore...
  16. Busymanjohn

    Conditional Format Calc vs. In cell Calc

    Hi, Can you post an example so we can have a look and determine a remedy. Thanks
  17. Busymanjohn

    Import several .tsv files into one Excel file

    Hi guys, I managed to get a piece of code that works fine to import these .tsv files, what I would like to change though is to have the files start in column B, as they are now with this code they start in column A, can anyone help with the code change ( I am useless with with code, should...
  18. Busymanjohn

    Import several .tsv files into one Excel file

    Hey Luke ,,, where do I find Ron's page?
  19. Busymanjohn

    Import several .tsv files into one Excel file

    Hi guys, I have several ( 18 in total ) .tsv files that I would like to import into one Excel file each file appearing in a different tab, in addition I would then like to have a front tab ( Summary ) that would show all of the data from the other tabs. The information in the .tsv files would...
  20. Busymanjohn

    Tally this up

    Hi guys, I have been away for a few days, so not checked back on this recently ,,, I am hoping that from the lack of response there remains an issue with accessing the file ,,, so let me try again ,,, please someone let me know if you can see this file or not ( if not I will try something else )...
  21. Busymanjohn

    Tally this up

    Try this one .... https://rapidshare.com/files/609232834/Scoring_File.xls
  22. Busymanjohn

    Tally this up

    Hi guys, Thought I would check back with you all to see if anyone has had any ideas or thoughts on this. You know I like to challenge you :-). Let me know if you need more info, I am sure there is a way to do this, with my workings I got most of them right,, but not all sadly. Thanks
  23. Busymanjohn

    Tally this up

    Let me know if this helps ... https://rapidshare.com/files/2143673292/Scoring_File.xls
  24. Busymanjohn

    Tally this up

    Hi guys, Poser for you, I have a scoring sheet where contestants in a competition are given a placing by judges ( there will be 5, 7 or 9 judges ). The result of the judges placings for the contestants will then determine final placings as follows. Each judge must place each contestant in 1st...
  25. Busymanjohn

    Making dates show with text

    It's ok guys ,, I managed to find a solution, but thanks for looking :-)