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  1. ExcelMan7

    use formula result in another formula Or other Proposals

    thx Sir JB7,,,, but i want take the cost center which is Column C in COST-C Sheet to B15 in Sheet CRPO although B15 is formula result... i hope every one knows what i want..thx all
  2. ExcelMan7

    use formula result in another formula Or other Proposals

    hi gents again i already uploaded the sheet .... really thx for all who try to help.. https://hotfile.com/dl/211107875/eabfe0f/For_CRPO_-------admin.xlsx.html
  3. ExcelMan7

    use formula result in another formula Or other Proposals

    hi gents again i already uploaded the sheet .... really thx for all who try to help.. https://hotfile.com/dl/211107875/eabfe0f/For_CRPO_-------admin.xlsx.html or https://hotfile.com/dl/211107875/eabfe0f/For_CRPO_-------admin.xlsx.html thanks many
  4. ExcelMan7

    use formula result in another formula Or other Proposals

    thank you Absolution, i will try and come back to you.... also thx bobhc i will try to upload it once i Finished my work as they are blocked all these webs...☺
  5. ExcelMan7

    use formula result in another formula Or other Proposals

    how i can upload excel here to show you the Example
  6. ExcelMan7

    use formula result in another formula Or other Proposals

    thanks gents for your comments ...
  7. ExcelMan7

    use formula result in another formula Or other Proposals

    Hi Gents, how i can use formula's result in anoter formula with out VBA and micro...if this cannot be ...so there is any other formula let me take the result as test Although the result will be usullay as Number. Thanks In advance