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  1. J

    Stock Register

    Hi Thank you for your reply. I am using excel 2007.
  2. J

    Stock Register

    Hi Thank you for your reply. I would like to make a stock ledger as the Report sheet on the attached file. Can it be possible. Here with I attached a sample file, in which I have already made a pivot table, but I want to add customer name also on the pivot table. if it is possible.
  3. J

    Stock Register

    Can you please remove this thread due to no reply
  4. J

    Stock Register

    Hi Can you someone please help me to make a stock register as per the attached file. Opening stock balance need to be take from database sheet. I also try to make a pivot table. But it was not
  5. J

    Macro to search item code in 2 sheet and copy specified column to one sheet.

    I got this macro from site, but this is not copying fully. Can you please check this macro and correct it for me. Sub CopyBasedonSheet1() Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Sheet1LastRow = Worksheets("STK").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row Sheet2LastRow = Worksheets("DATA").Range("A" &...
  6. J

    Macro to search item code in 2 sheet and copy specified column to one sheet.

    I have an excel work book with 2 sheets named STK and DATA. STK sheets contain 3 columns, Item code, Item Name, Quantity. Data sheet contain 3 Columns, Item code, Item Name, Tax. I want to add Tax column from DATA sheet to STK sheet. Pls. help me.
  7. J

    macro for check same configuration

    Can someone help this I have an excel sheet with data of some configuration. I would like find out how much same configuration occurred in all sheet. Blank line divide each configuration
  8. J


    I want to copy data from one Workbook to another workbook as workbook name JB1 TO JB2 (Workbook Uploaded) copy start from where in column "A" start a number then COPY columns JB1 "MODEL" TO JB2 PRODUT ID, JB1 DESCRIPTION TO JB2 DESCRIPTION, JB1 QTY TO JB2 QTY, JB1 MAKE TO JB2 SUPPLIER and...
  9. J

    macro to print particular number of line

    I have an excel file as attached. I want to print the sheet (active excel sheet) by selecting range, each sheet should have 45 line per sheet, margins as the macro in attached file . First macro should show print preview and vba message ok or cancel to print.
  10. J

    value in desired cell

    Great thnx
  11. J

    value in desired cell

  12. J

    value in desired cell

    I would like to define these value should come at "G15" or desired cell, how to mention that in vba ie following should come at G15 onwards 1 2 3 4 5 2 4 6 8 10 3 6 9 12 15 4 8 12 16 20 5 10 15 20 25 6 12 18 24 30 7 14 21 28 35 8 16 24 32 40 9 18 27 36 45 10 20 30 40 50 Sub RangeObjects()...
  13. J


    YES GOOD Thans
  14. J


  15. J


    No I am looking for a =SUM(VLOOKUP formula? can we do with ?
  16. J


    I want to total each item in the sample file attached. How we can
  17. J

    Arrange excel sheet with Macro

    Thank you so much
  18. J

    Arrange excel sheet with Macro

    Thanks a lot. Very Good. Column (AI) Sales Person and Name need to keep in the file.
  19. J

    Arrange excel sheet with Macro

    Need inside and outside line also. Can we append data from another active file. For example this imported file(jack999) is for 01.10.2015 the next day report file need to append in the bottom of this file record after arrange with macro. can it possible
  20. J

    Arrange excel sheet with Macro

    Sample file uploaded here. I would like to arrange this file with macro sample file uploaded
  21. J

    Arrange excel sheet with Macro

    I need to maintain excel sheet daily basis which is imported from another database. The imported excel sheet is not in a proper order. I want to arrange that sheet by following steps. There are several unwanted columns and rows, some columns are merged. I would like to arrange the sheet by...
  22. J

    Find Duplicate with Macro

    If my file has 14 – 15 columns and its range start from B6 what changes will come in this code. Can you explain this code - Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(3).Row) and Columns:=Array(1, 2), New file attached
  23. J

    Find Duplicate with Macro

    I have an excel file with Product ID and Description Column. I want a macro to find out the Duplicate entries in that sheet. Herewith I attached a sample file.
  24. J

    Macro for Total by each Customer with its Narration

    Thanks Sir, Now its ok. If I want to add one more column in output file "Cheque Paid" then how to add code in the macro
  25. J

    How to use 2 Private sub in one sheet

    Sir I want only use the Macro which Highlight selected row in requirement sheet only.