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Search results

  1. S

    combo graph

    Thanks! Hui. That is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks again for your help.
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    combo graph

    Hi, I am trying to plot a combo graph for data that includes division name, cost of quality in dollars and scrap as% of sales for yr 2013 to 2017. for example , lets say division name is Apple, Mango, Pineapple,grape, pear. I want to show cost of quality for each division for yr 2013 to...
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    Excel crashes when file with Macro is closed

    Hi Narayan, the code is the same as you loaded on Oct 9th and it has the same problems. Thanks Sushil
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    Excel crashes when file with Macro is closed

    Hi Narayan, did you get a chance to look into it. Thanks Sushil
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    Excel crashes when file with Macro is closed

    Hi Narayan, user updates the values in column A to E and the results are sumarised in Pivot table. users are not familar with pivotables hence i want pivot table to be refreshed on its own before work book is closed . This file is emailed after it is updated and whosoever...
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    Excel crashes when file with Macro is closed

    Hi Narayan, Thanks for spending so much time on this problem. the thing i want to do with this macro is.... when the user opens the file .....all the sheets except the sheet named Macros should be hidden . "Macros" sheet should be open showing the arrow to the user that the...
  7. S

    Excel crashes when file with Macro is closed

    Hi Narayan, it is the same .. when i first open the file from the website it takes me to the "MACROS" tab and force me to enable the macros. But when i do save as to my computer, it gives me run time error and shows "Call Sheet1.Update" in yellow color. when i says end...
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    Excel crashes when file with Macro is closed

    Hi Narayan/ Jeff sorry .. it is not working in both the cases. Jeff, if i try "save as" with your file it gives me an run time error. Narayan, i want that when user open the file, MACROS sheet should open up only and force the user to enable Macros as explained by...
  9. S

    Excel crashes when file with Macro is closed

    Hi Narayan, i tried taking out the line Close savechanges:=False. it does not crash but then next time i open the file , MACROS tab does not open up automatically and ask user to enable the macros. this file is to be used reapeatedly every week and has to show same message...
  10. S

    Excel crashes when file with Macro is closed

    Help Please!!! ..SOS...2
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    Excel crashes when file with Macro is closed

    Hi Lohith, in regards to macros , i am in junior kindergarten. i just got few macros from internet doing google and combined them to suit my needs. iam not trying to force close the workbook with the line of code .Close savechanges:=False . it was in the macro which i...
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    Excel crashes when file with Macro is closed

    Hi Narayan, it still crashes and also now it doesnt hide all the sheets except" Macros" sheet when the file is opened. Thanks Sushil
  13. S

    Excel crashes when file with Macro is closed

    can I have the solution please... Thanks Sushil
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    Excel crashes when file with Macro is closed

    sorry, i am lost here....
  15. S

    Excel crashes when file with Macro is closed

    Hi Narayan Thanks for your reply. the file still crashes . did you make the changes in the attached file. i did not see " Application.EnableEvents = True, .Close (False). in the code . Maybe i am looking at wrong place i am not too sure but the file still crashes
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    Excel crashes when file with Macro is closed

    Hi, Attached file crashes every time when it is not saved and closed if there is another file open in the same excel session. it does not crashes if it is the only file open in the session or if another file is open in a different excel session. Please help. Thanks Sushil
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    macro to insert formula with if condition

    Thanks! Narayan. it works like a charm.
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    macro to insert formula with if condition

    Thanks Narayan for your reply. formula should be in column H =IF($G2 = "DR", $B2 , IF($G2 = "CR" , -$B2)) . but there will be some empty cells in the column which should be skipped or will show no value just blank cell. Also I would like to specify the range e.g G7 to G300. Thanks.
  19. S

    macro to insert formula with if condition

    sorry clicked on post reply too quickly . I saw somewhere on other website that in case of text they use RC something
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    macro to insert formula with if condition

    I had already changed.. still doesn't work. I think it is because DR/CR is text and needs to trate
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    macro to insert formula with if condition

    sorry it does not run .. is it because if there is an empty cell in column G i.e there is no DR or Cr text in the cell
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    macro to insert formula with if condition

    Hi, i am looking for a macro to insert formula in all of column H based on the condition that column G is not empty. formula will be if cell in column g is "DR" then value in cell corresponding in column H will be + of value in cell in column B, if it is "CR" in column G then it will be...
  23. S

    Excel crashes when i close the file having macro.

    Hi , for some reason now when the file is opened, it does not force the user to enable macro and the pivot table does not gets refreshed automatically when file is saved. Thanks for the help in advance. Thanks Sushil
  24. S

    Excel crashes when i close the file having macro.

    yes .. your are right! maybe i did something wrong... thank you very much for your help. i really appreciate that. Thanks Sushil