hey vijay.vizzu
actually when i put b1 - =VLOOKUP(A1,F:data[EMPLOYEE7.xlsx]EMPLOYEE7'!$A$2:$C$31,2,FALSE) then i got write answer without opening the "employee7" file.
n i think there should be no effect whether "employee7" file is open or not.
so what i should do ?
CA Mahaveer Somani
in Cell A1 - 01-01-2013
in cell f1 - 'F:data[EMPLOYEE7.xlsx]EMPLOYEE7'!$A$2:$C$31
in cell b1 - =VLOOKUP(A1,F1,2,FALSE)
but i m getting my answer b1 = #N/A
my path is accurate i already checked it but what is the problem in vlookup formula?
hi SgmPatnaik
i know you are right but i did not forget about ID. Actually i think that mr rrocker1405 have no need for ID no. coz there is no ID no in their first combobox hence i did not work for id no.
by the way thanks dude.
CA Mahaveer Somani
hey dear rrocker1405
Now will you check this following link please i think this is really very useful for you
CA Mahaveer Somani
hey dhamo,
download this file from the following link and enjoy.
i hope it is useful for you.
Mahaveer Somani
hi grahambotha
download popup file n check it
hope it is really useful for you.
CA Mahaveer Somani
hi bhushanmorwal
i have not make any restriction to that file
if u want to see coading of that file then follow the following steps:
1. download the file from the http://www.2shared.com/document/pgTDSQSQ/mahaveer.html link
2. Open the file
3.Press Alt + F11
Select the devloper tab and...
hey vijay actually i have one userform in workingfile.xls with 5 textbox and 1 command button
now i want when if click on command button the value of all textbox will be the value of datafile.xls sheet1 columnA,b,c,d,e every time.
let me know is it sufficient data for u?
actually i have...
i have two excel file one is datafile.xls in "f" drive which is closed
another file is workingfile.xls on desktop this is open file
now i want to paste the data from sheet1 range column A to datafile.xls without open the datafile.xls
is it possible?
i have one userform on which there are 5 textbox
textbox1 = serial number
textbox2 = invoice
textbox3 = suplier name
textbox4 = item name
textbox5 = amount
and i have one command button = save.
when i click on save then data from all textbox will save in sheet1 on coloumnA,B,C,D,E
now i...
you can put the following code:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Range("a1").Value <> "" Then
Range("b1").Value = Time
End If
End Sub
Mahaveer Somani
thanks narayank
but if i have 20 textbox like this but only textbox1 is visible and remaining are hides
now the same question i want to ask every time when every textbox exits therefore
should i write the code 20 times?
Thanks Narayank dear
i followed you trick but till i could not see you post
but thanks dear
your answer is best answer.
and thanks you to dear for your sgmpatnaik valuable time.
I have put the following code m i right ?
Private Sub TextBox1_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
msgbox "Do you want to add one more text box",vbYesNo
If ans = Yes then
textbox3.visible = true
end if
end if
End Sub
If i m right...
I have to add one more line in 1st command button and 2nd command button at the end i.e.
multipage1.value = 1
now some one can tell me as i have got my answer of the above query that how to remove this question from here for save the time of all experts.
i have a userform with multipage1. On multipage1 there are 3 pages.
1 page = Creation
2 page = Suppliers (visible = false)
3 page = Inventory (visible = false)
on 1 page i have two command button.
1 command button = Add suppliers
2 command button = Add Inventory
the command on 1st...