You are right the provided code is superb and faster too. but suppose i have some tin numbers of some customers which are wrong mentioned in my book.
and when i would check these tin numbers with the provided code then i will get blank answer. it means tin number is wrong. then...
mr. deepak,
you are awesome.
Thank you very much sir,
but i have one problem if the tin number is not registered on this website then it should mentioned "Not registered" but in your macro it is showing
"AJMER - A - I"
and one more thing it works fine but it will take time. so can i get...
Actually i have a list of dealer with their TIN Number But i need to Verify these TIN Number on this website that is :
so problem is this it takes so much time so i need a vba code with loop so that Name of dealer will show...
in the above site each time
thanks for your quick response but i extreamly sorry sir, there was error in the above link so i m posting another link which is working. ie.
and sir there is no need to log in this site we can get dealer search without log in...
Actually i have a list of dealer with their TIN Number But i need to Verify these TIN Number on this website that is :
so problem is this it takes so much time so i need a vba code with loop so that Name of dealer will show automatically in next...
There are really some problems with this file:
1. When i tried to facebook login then i found the same Print screen.
2. another thing is that when i tried to login then it is disabled. it is due to java script. hence it does not support java. because it is based on...
Thanks for your kind reply.
actually this is a captcha code on web page.
and i m trying to fill one web page form from excel for getting some information..
but every time it asks for this captcha code.
and everytime this code changes...
with my userform i had add one code from that...
i m inserting a .xls file here for your observation.
in this file i have a ( picture in which some text are mentioned).
basically this is a code i want that code will be get in cell f1 as a text.
so is it possible to get text from a picture.
Any help will be much appreciated.
Thanks &...
suppose i have 15 items in Column A of sheet1.
now i filtered A column on some criteria and 7 items are showing on sheet 1 column A.
now i want to add only filtered (7) items on combobox 1 but how?
Thanks in advance
CA Mahaveer Somani
should i change some thing in that code?
i download the account.ico file
i changed the following only.
Sub Change_Icon()
setExcelIcon "D:\Excel\ico\account.ico"
End Sub
still not working.
i m attaching my file in which the file "before" is seems as excel file
now i want to change the icon of "before" file which should looks like "after file"
is it possible or not for "before" file only. not for all excel file.....
i hope now you understand.
Declare Function GetActiveWindow32 Lib "USER32" Alias _
"GetActiveWindow" () As Integer
Declare Function SendMessage32 Lib "USER32" Alias _
"SendMessageA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, _
ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long
Declare Function ExtractIcon32 Lib...
Thanks Narayan
i used this code but it does not changing my excel file icon. what i do?
Declare Function GetActiveWindow32 Lib "USER32" Alias _
"GetActiveWindow" () As Integer
Declare Function SendMessage32 Lib "USER32" Alias _
"SendMessageA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, _...
Actually i m using EXCEL 2007.
i made a very important userform for my organisation using excel vba on a excel file , now i want to change the icon of this excel file.
Can i do it ?
i know we can do it but how i dont know..bcoz several times i downloaded "Sir J B7" answer sheet and those...
thanks hui
i know all of this things...but i want to do this with vba if you can help me in this situation then i will be thankful to you..
CA Mahaveer Somani
is it possible that any vba code can search all the .xls file in my computer and then cut them and paster to my destination place......?
thanks in advance...
CA Mahaveer Somani
actually i have a button on sheet1. when i press it then userform1 open.
and on userform1 i have 4 labels... but all are unvisible now my problem is that...
i want when my userform open then after 1 second the first label visible = true...and the same after next 1 second the second label...
actually i m trying to build an excel file with animated pictures for my wife for the occasion of my anniversay.
i insert the animated picture. but it is not animated on how can i do this...any body can help me?
CA Mahaveer Somani
IE 10 can only be installed on window 7 service pack 1 or higer....this type of error i m getting when try to install IE 10.
while i have window 7 but i think i have no service pack 1 or higer..... so i want to open google chrome in excel so that i can open my site......there...