sorry about that, that always seems to happen when using google docs for me. This is the updated URL that should have no protection on it.
Thanks again
I have a list of numbers and i want a formula that can look at all of them and tell me which number is closest to say, "one" and return its value (maybe something like .98)
so it would look like this.
the formula would return .987 as the closest to one...
The other day I was resizing an object to fit a cell while at the same time wanting to expand the shape proportionally. I was Alt+Shift clicking and I found whenever I did this it would either bring up the research window on the right, change the keys on my keyboard (ie when i hit the "z" key it...
I'm looking for a way to change variables based on themselves. I know there are recursion formuals that might do the trick but can't figure out how to do it.
I have the length, width and height of a box. The height is based of another formula and then the three dimensions are multiplied...