I hope u r looking for this :
If Cell.Value = "Value" Then
Cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 3
End If
color index u can find over here : http://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/excel/colors.htm
@Hui, i will try n update here. Thankzzz
@gobishg: need help. not getting the drop down you mentioned.
@Hui: My formula look like =if(A10="1st value",color1,if(A10="2nd Value",Color2,if(A10="3rd Value",Color3,color4)))
Color4 = worksheet color.
i dont know whether it is the ryt syntax or not....? need your help.
I want to know, can i use function 'if' to color a cell ? if yes How?
I have 3 condition(values) depending on which a cell need to be colored(3 different color). I tried conditional formating. But dont know how to use conditional formating to color a cell in 3 colors.
I am a newbee in excel. I made a excel sheet. To make it little attractive, i would like to insert a caption/message which is rolling ( marquee)
How to insert a marquee in excel ?
Am using excel 2010
All comments are appritiated.
Thanks Vijay....
Sry for delay...gone for snacks brk....
It works. Also it cleared my several doubt about protecting the sheet. I used to uncheck "select format cells" (thinking that i can prevent any change only in this way...)
Thanks a lot again...
Listing what i did,
1,Hyperlink is attached to a cell
2,Locked the cell.
3,protected the sheet by slecting "select unlocked cells" only.
its not working for me...
am i wrong somewhere ?
I have a excel( excel 2010) sheet in which many cells are protected. some of them is provided with hyperlinks. So when i protecting the sheet those hyperlinks become unusable. i dont want to unlock those cells to prevent modification of content.
Is there any way to enale only hyperlink on...
I have a simple worksheet made to ease my day to day office job. To make it more attractive i am looking to insert some animated GIF to the sheet.
Can anyone guide me to insert a animated GIF in excel 2007 ?
Thanks in advance.
Hi there...
Am Vijesh, from kerala.
I am little ardent to Excel though i know very less...
Hope i will have good time here with "U"-the masters in Excel...