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  1. vijehspaul

    Cell coloring using if function

    @tom... I hope u r looking for this : If Cell.Value = "Value" Then Cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 3 End If color index u can find over here : http://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/excel/colors.htm @Hui, i will try n update here. Thankzzz
  2. vijehspaul

    Cell coloring using if function

    @gobishg: need help. not getting the drop down you mentioned. @Hui: My formula look like =if(A10="1st value",color1,if(A10="2nd Value",Color2,if(A10="3rd Value",Color3,color4))) Color4 = worksheet color. i dont know whether it is the ryt syntax or not....? need your help.
  3. vijehspaul

    Cell coloring using if function

    Hi, Greetings... I want to know, can i use function 'if' to color a cell ? if yes How? I have 3 condition(values) depending on which a cell need to be colored(3 different color). I tried conditional formating. But dont know how to use conditional formating to color a cell in 3 colors.
  4. vijehspaul

    Marquee in excel

    Hi, I am a newbee in excel. I made a excel sheet. To make it little attractive, i would like to insert a caption/message which is rolling ( marquee) How to insert a marquee in excel ? Am using excel 2010 All comments are appritiated. Best, Vijesh
  5. vijehspaul

    Hperlink on protected cells

    Thanks Vijay.... Sry for delay...gone for snacks brk.... It works. Also it cleared my several doubt about protecting the sheet. I used to uncheck "select format cells" (thinking that i can prevent any change only in this way...) Thanks a lot again... Best, Vijesh.
  6. vijehspaul

    Hperlink on protected cells

    Vijay, Listing what i did, 1,Hyperlink is attached to a cell 2,Locked the cell. 3,protected the sheet by slecting "select unlocked cells" only. its not working for me... am i wrong somewhere ?
  7. vijehspaul

    Hperlink on protected cells

    hi, I have a excel( excel 2010) sheet in which many cells are protected. some of them is provided with hyperlinks. So when i protecting the sheet those hyperlinks become unusable. i dont want to unlock those cells to prevent modification of content. Is there any way to enale only hyperlink on...
  8. vijehspaul

    GIF in Excel

    Hi, I have a simple worksheet made to ease my day to day office job. To make it more attractive i am looking to insert some animated GIF to the sheet. Can anyone guide me to insert a animated GIF in excel 2007 ? Thanks in advance.
  9. vijehspaul

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    Hi there... Am Vijesh, from kerala. I am little ardent to Excel though i know very less... Hope i will have good time here with "U"-the masters in Excel...