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Search results

  1. nagovind

    Display Part of Excel on VBA Form

    Please advise how to Display Part of Excel on VBA Form I have range of data in A1:F10 While running a macro how to display selected ranges of cells in an userform as a pop-up (Say selected data is A1:C10) Please do the needful Thanks Govind
  2. nagovind

    DeSelect the Particular Sheets after Selecting All Sheets

    http://forum.chandoo.org/threads/already-used-vba-code-stopped-working-worksheets-i-select-false.31045/ Dear Hui, The issue is with the selection of all sheets. In the above post the issue was stated. Suddenly Worksheets(i).Select (False) stopped working, i have googled this issue and many...
  3. nagovind

    Already used VBA code stopped working - Worksheets(i).Select (False)

    Hi Chihiro, Your code perfectly works and relieved me from great stress THANKS A LOT ! Regards Govind
  4. nagovind

    Already used VBA code stopped working - Worksheets(i).Select (False)

    For i = 0 To Sheets.Count - 1 If Left(Sheets(i + 1).Name, 4) <> "SKIP" Then 'Set criteria here ReDim Preserve ShtArr(UBound(ShtArr, 1) + 1) ShtArr(UBound(ShtArr, 1)) = Sheets(i + 1).Name End If Next Sheets(ShtArr()).Select Is there is any way to use as it above But i'm getting...
  5. nagovind

    Already used VBA code stopped working - Worksheets(i).Select (False)

    Hi Chihiro, Thanks for your help. I tried this code but same issue exists from yesterday Please help Sub Test() Dim ws As Worksheet ForEach ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets ws.SelectFalse Next EndSub regards Govind
  6. nagovind

    DeSelect the Particular Sheets after Selecting All Sheets

    Dear Hui, Sub Select_Sheets() For i = 1 To Sheets.Count If Left(Worksheets(i).Name, 4) <> "Skip"Then Worksheets(i).Select (False) EndIf Next EndSub This code suddenly stopped working Please help Regards Govind
  7. nagovind

    Already used VBA code stopped working - Worksheets(i).Select (False)

    As per google results, it appears that many users faced this issue Please do the neeful
  8. nagovind

    Already used VBA code stopped working - Worksheets(i).Select (False)

    Dear All, I was using this code for long time as advised by Hui, suddenly it stopped working in MS Excel 2013 For i = 1 To Sheets.Count Worksheets(i).Select (False) Next The above code is not selecting all the sheets Please do the needful Regards Govind
  9. nagovind

    Assign values from cells to array and use it in loops

    Dear Hui, Thanks for you reply... Yes agreed. Initially i did the code with manual entry/ assignment of value to the array as shown in first post as i was not aware of the code further the value keep on changes... Now it made it easy Your reply is additional tips for me"edit the array in VBA...
  10. nagovind

    Assign values from cells to array and use it in loops

    Dear Narayan, Thanks a lot for your assistance Regards Govind
  11. nagovind

    Assign values from cells to array and use it in loops

    Dear All Need the VBA code with arrays in the below manner. Dim pnum(0 To 10000) As Variant pnum(1) = 2 pnum(2) = 64 pnum(3) = 126 pnum(4) = 188 pnum(5) = 250 pnum(6) = 312 pnum(7) = 374 pnum(8) = 436 pnum(9) = 498 pnum(10) = 560 10 different numbers has to be stored in an array This data is...
  12. nagovind

    Rename Sheet by VBA

    Dear Luke, The code is perfect and solved the issue In the mean time i have used the below code. But your code is professional and i'm using it now! Public Sub RENAMEINDEX() X = Rnd() Sheets("INDEX").Name = "INDEX" & X ActiveSheet.Name = "INDEX" End Sub
  13. nagovind

    Rename Sheet by VBA

    Dear Like, Thank you for your reply. Sheet3 get renamed to anyname. Shall we go with RND function? or any other way out with reasonable name? Regards Govind
  14. nagovind

    Rename Sheet by VBA

    Dear All, We have several sheets in a workbook Requirement is i will switchover to any sheets, Whichever is my current worksheet need to be RENAMED as "INDEX" is the query So if i switch to say worksheet 3 then worksheet 3 will be renamed as INDEX after running a macro. If i move to say...
  15. nagovind

    How to store SELECTED SHEET NAMES in to Array

    Dear Hui, Thank you for the codes....its really helps a lot Regards Govind
  16. nagovind

    How to store SELECTED SHEET NAMES in to Array

    This is working for me. Thanks Dim ws As Worksheet Dim SelectedSheets() As String Dim n As Long, i As Long n = 1 For Each ws In ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets ReDim Preserve SelectedSheets(n) SelectedSheets(n) = ws.Name n = n + 1 Next For i = 1...
  17. nagovind

    How to store SELECTED SHEET NAMES in to Array

    Dear All, Please advise the code for storing the selected sheet names into an array so that it is possible to loop through ONLY the selected sheets but one sheet at a time Regards Govind
  18. nagovind

    DeSelect the Particular Sheets after Selecting All Sheets

    Dear Hui, Thank you -- Thanks a lot for your codes Perfectly worked.... With this code can manipulate as many things.... Regards Govind
  19. nagovind

    DeSelect the Particular Sheets after Selecting All Sheets

    Dear All I'm able to select all sheets by the code ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Select Once after selecting all sheets how to deselect the particular sheets with the sheet names starting with SKIP Please advise Regards Govind
  20. nagovind

    How to change passwords of all open workbook

    Dear Luke, Sorry the code i have posted is only protecting the structure, i found that after posting this reply I need to protect the workbook with password BELOW CODE IS PERFECTLY ALRIGHT THANK YOU LUKE! Sub ChangePass() Dim newPass As String Dim checkPass As String Dim wb As Workbook...
  21. nagovind

    How to change passwords of all open workbook

    After replacing a line with the yellow highlighted it seems it is working
  22. nagovind

    How to change passwords of all open workbook

    Password of the example file is aaa
  23. nagovind

    How to change passwords of all open workbook

    Attached is the example file It is password protecting the PERSONAL workbook internal to excel Please do the needful Regards Govind
  24. nagovind

    How to change passwords of all open workbook

    Dear Luke, Thanks for the code Yes all are open workbooks and not worksheets sorry While running the code i got the below errors please do the needful
  25. nagovind

    How to change passwords of all open workbook

    Dear All, There are many worksheets currently open Say 5 sheets are open All are already password protected to open it, but it is open Password is known How to change the old password to new one and SAVE and close it so that while opening it will be supplied with new passwords Any codes...