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Search results

  1. A

    Saving an Excel Workbook is SLOOOW - even with all VBA disabled

    When you copy to the new workbook, try copying values only, test saving; then copy formats, test saving; then copy formulas, test saving; then go ahead with the vba code. The paste-specials, even if you do all of them, will hopefully eliminate the issue. This is an odd one. Another idea is...
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    Monthly work schedule, disappearing assignments

    Hi Mark! Glad you like it! I'm happy to help you with your wish list, although my time is a bit limited this week.. in other words, I may be slow in replying. To create a link, you can just paste a URL into your reply and it will be clickable. To have link text you have to use some HTML...
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    Monthly work schedule, disappearing assignments

    Yes. I set the data validation rule to prevent using an assignment more than once or entering an assignment code not on the list of available assignments. To change that behavior, you could change the data validation rule. The list of available assignments with this spreadsheet design can be...
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    Is there a way to use offset by referencing the cell it is used in?

    Hi bctyner/readers, For future, this is an option too: =INDIRECT(ADDRESS(ROW(),COLUMN()-1)) Do any math you want with the ROW() and COLUMN(). However, and I'm running Excel 2010, there is no error with self-referencing using OFFSET on my system. And iterative calculation is disabled on...
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    Monthly work schedule, disappearing assignments

    I have worked up a sample sheet that I think does close to what you are looking for. Employee Assignment Schedule.xlsx I threw in a couple additional formatting features. Notes to right side of sheet. Click the download button after following the above link. Excel 2007+ format. Let me...
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    Monthly work schedule, disappearing assignments

    Hi RadMan, Not sure I understand your requirement exactly -- but nonetheless I feel pretty confident that the answer will be "yes" :). If you mean something like this: | ___A___ ___B___ ___C___ ___D___ ___E___ 1 a g i l e becoming this: | ___A___ ___B___ ___C___...
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    multiple records

    Hi ahhhmed, Here you go. Just make sure cell C79 is blank or at least does not contain any value that could be in your List6 range. Enter the formula like this in cell C80. =INDEX(List6, MATCH(MIN(IF(ISBLANK(List6)+COUNTIF(C$79:$C79, List6), "", IF(ISNUMBER(List6), COUNTIF(List6...
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    Reversing a Text using Formula

    I just want to chime in that to my knowledge as well, a formula alone cannot reverse a string either character by character or word by word. If you are willing to use a macro, I think this one is better than the OzGrid one - this one uses built-in VBA command to reverse a string...
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    Change in-cell tick/check-box value in multiple ranges using SelectionChange

    I made an error. Where it reads: Do xCopies = Application.InputBox("How many copies do you want?", "Copies", 1, Type:=1) ' Application.InputBox has added features / Type:=1 restricts to returning a number, or False if cancelled Loop While xCopies <> False Or...
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    Conditional Formatting

    Hi kmakifl, When you say "cell with 24" is it possible that the value is slightly above 24? e.g. 24.001? Your described requirement taken literally, and Hui's corresponding instructions, do nothing with values > 24 and < 25. Approximately 24.0000000000000000001 to...
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    Change in-cell tick/check-box value in multiple ranges using SelectionChange

    Luke, Mod operator.. x = 55-23 mod 32 is being interpreted as x = 55-(23 mod 32) Add parens for expected result: x = (55-23) mod 32 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alex, :) Yeah, I was stumped for a bit trying to get my posts up yesterday before I figured it out... Well, the new code added has some...
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    Change in-cell tick/check-box value in multiple ranges using SelectionChange

    Luke, Mod operator.. x = 55-23 mod 32 is being interpreted as x = 55-(23 mod 32) Add parens for expected result: x = (55-23) mod 32 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alex, :) Yeah, I was stumped for a bit trying to get my posts up yesterday before I figured it out... Well, the new code added has some...
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    File Opening Macro

    Hi John, That's true about the example in the Help system, but notice that the help system specifies "Return Value" early on in the help entries. In this case, it is specified as Variant there. Asa
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    Productivity Report

    Hi kmakifl! the links were truncated by the forum; try these: Incoming_data.xlsm Summary_Report.xlsm Download them rather than trying to use them in the browser. Asa
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    Change in-cell tick/check-box value in multiple ranges using SelectionChange

    Just to comment on the "ninja power" problem.. I have been having the exact same problem with virtually ALL of my recent posts. Maybe somethings changed (for the worst) with the forum admin settings? I can get around it by posting a dummy post with like a "." in it or something, then...
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    Select a range via hyperlink then print selection automatically

    Good luck with your new task :) Yes, one thing leads to another! If you take one very practical thing from my example, let it be this: Application.Dialogs(xlDialogPrint).Show Arg12:=1 is the equivalent to Selection.PrintOut With the difference that it presents the Print dialog with the...
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    multiple records

    Hi ahhhmed, good day! Here's a formula you can use to extract unique values. It does not sort them, and it does not handle blanks in the list elegantly: =INDEX($A$2:$A$11,MATCH(0,COUNTIF(B$2:B2,$A$2:$A$11),0)) It assumes your list is in Column A, ranging from A2:A11, and your unique values...
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    DO LOOP with CELLS.

    Hey needforvba, The way to get hands-on experience is to come up with problems to solve and then to solve them. If you take a course or buy a book, it will include lessons as well as suggest problems for you to tackle. With an interest in problem-solving, as Narayan says, you come to see all...
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    IF Then Using VBA

    Hi Kinghart, Controls' Linked Cells don't cause Worksheet Change events to fire. Try this. Move your/GCExcel's code to a separate procedure, and call that procedure from the Worksheet Change Event. Then create Click events for each checkbox control, and have those controls also call that...
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    IF Then Using VBA

    Hi Kinghart, Controls' Linked Cells don't cause Worksheet Change events to fire. Try this. Move your/GCExcel's cocde to a separate procedure, and call that procedure from the Worksheet Change Event. Then create Click events for each checkbox control, and have those controls also call that...
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    Which formula to use????

    I am honored! Thanks for the complements. I'm pretty new here and haven't gotten involved in the school yet myself. I'm sure others can comment on what to expect. I really like Chandoo's style and wealth of information. Since the formulas only go in the main record line, not the dependent...
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    Select a range via hyperlink then print selection automatically

    In the PrintThis procedure, If TypeName(OldSelection) = "Range" Then Set OldCell = ActiveCell can be changed to If TypeOf OldSelection Is Range Then Set OldCell = ActiveCell It should be a little more efficient/elegant.
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    Select a range via hyperlink then print selection automatically

    Hi Alex, "Multiple If scenarios" are usually handled using a single If/Then/[ElseIf...]/[Else]/End If block, or a Select statement, as I have used below. Here's a version that avoids the appearance of the selection changing, and prints using the built-in printer dialog (familiar; can select...
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    Select a range via hyperlink then print selection automatically

    Hi Alex, "Multiple If scenarios" are usually handled using a single If/Then/[ElseIf...]/[Else]/End If block, or a Select statement, as I have used below. Here's a version that avoids the appearance of the selection changing, and prints using the built-in printer dialog (familiar; can select...
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    Select a range via hyperlink then print selection automatically

    Hi Alex, "Multiple If scenarios" are usually handled using a single If/Then/[ElseIf...]/[Else]/End If block, or a Select statement, as I have used below. Here's a version that avoids the appearance of the selection changing, and prints using the built-in printer dialog (familiar; can select...