Hi Luke,
Thanks for the help.
The file can be veiwed at this link https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ahe_P6TwosJTdENQNElJNWJ2aGFBR2plY1hoU1U3X1E&hl=en_US&authkey=CJPftrYG
Hi folks,
I am building my first Dashboard which is to be used as a reporting tool on a monthly basis, there is however sections of data that need to appear that acumulate as the year develops.
I therefore need to develop the page that when I select February fro example, the combined data...
I have managed to do the graph but when I change it to log scale the lines do not represent correcly.
It stays ok fro one line but the remaining two then present in a different manner - when using scatter plot.
Thanks for your response.