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Search results

  1. ianb

    Module Runs Two Pivot table Updates ?? Yes/No Possiable

    I have been doing VBA for about 1 and a hlaf years. some part very easy to do and some complex. I am building up skills daily many thanks to those involved with the guidance and assistance. Ian.
  2. ianb

    Module Runs Two Pivot table Updates ?? Yes/No Possiable

    Thanks will check these out...
  3. ianb

    How do I set Chart Titles all to the same font size in VBA

    Thanks. It is a great program and had to be edited to keep the formula is the title option. The part I can not solve is how if I set FntSz = 14 'Set Font Size does the title set to 14 size and the lower part of the chart x and y axis is set to 10 automatically. I would like the lower...
  4. ianb

    Module Runs Two Pivot table Updates ?? Yes/No Possiable

    Hi All, How can I do this in one Sheet to run either of module programs. Private Sub Worksheet_PivotTableUpdate(ByVal target As PivotTable) SyncPivotFields target2 End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_PivotTableUpdate(ByVal target As PivotTable) SyncPivotFields target3 End Sub Thanks.
  5. ianb

    Combo Box

    JB, Example : Date is set to Mar-12 and I click or run the program and it sets to Jan-13 (present month and year) also I can run your program on a loop for an inactive chart display so I am very happy with what I have just want to make sure that the above is not possiable before I incorporate...
  6. ianb

    Combo Box

    Hi JB that is amazing thats. I can learn from this. If I run your program as a schedule each month it will move to the next month, next quarter and also next year as I have multi combo boxes. I think this is the best solution as if you can confirm please. it is not possiable if I set this to...
  7. ianb

    How do I set Chart Titles all to the same font size in VBA

    Sorry, Have placed this at the top of the list if any one can assist me please.
  8. ianb

    Dashboard loads Data

    Hi, Thanks for the answer. I understand what you are saying. I just need to find the solution. If Worksheet_PivotTableUpdate is called >1 then execute else exit. I will look into this further. Thanks for the advise and guidance.
  9. ianb

    Dashboard loads Data

    Hi, Here is the full program that conficts with the loading of the data into the dashboard pivot tables. I need to update/ refresh all before this program becomes active. Option Explicit Sub SyncPivotFields(target) 'downloaded from www.contextures.com 'revised code by Jeff Weir, August...
  10. ianb

    Dashboard loads Data

    1. Excel Dashboard loads and automatically refreshes the pivot tables (all pivot tables set to refresh when opening. 2. I have a program that sync soem of the pivot tables .e.g if 1,4,6 pivot tables are changed with the date or the person then the others changes. I can send you the full...
  11. ianb

    Combo Box

    Hui, Do you need further information as I have sent the example to drop box. It is the select of Feb-12 when it is Febuarary that I require.
  12. ianb

    How do I set Chart Titles all to the same font size in VBA

    Hui, This has been adapted to keep the formula's I would like to also set the font size of the charts axis to 8 and the titles to 14. Can you advise please ? Sub ChartTitlesLight() Dim ws As Worksheet Dim ch As ChartObject For Each ws In Worksheets For Each ch In ws.ChartObjects...
  13. ianb

    Dashboard loads Data

    OR.... final idea. It upalods all the data (reading data) Then when I click on a tab it loads the Can I have when sheet is active worksheet pivot table update only as the pivot tables have already been refreshed. How can this program list below work ? third line starting worksheet would...
  14. ianb

    Dashboard loads Data

    The only other idea is just do active sheet refresh once per load of the spreadsheet !! Is this possiable (do once only ?) Many thanks. I have more ideas hopefully leading to a solution.
  15. ianb

    Dashboard loads Data

    Hi Nara, I think the program you have directed me to may be the solution. Initially it could work. Also If I am doing a full update another program would just do the refresh.all hence I can switch off all automatic updates. How does that sound. The question would now be can I incorporate...
  16. ianb

    Dashboard loads Data

    How Can I make all the VBA program wait until the data has uploaded. I have multi pivot table connections therefore I have to wait approx 2 minutes for all the data to upload before it attempts to run a vba program. One of the programs starts when it is uploading causing an error, crash or...
  17. ianb

    Combo Box

    Excellent. This is a puzzle for me. Sample of the real program is listed below. 23 = Nov-12 24 = Dec-12 25 = Jan-12 60 = Year 2013 Q1 80 - Year 2013 It is the Month Ones I would like to change to this month at a click withour editing the vba program.. Q1 and year I can set each Q...
  18. ianb

    Dashboard loads Data

    Hi, I need to upload my Access data into my dashboard. Also I need to have a program running once the data is loaded. This is in one of the sheets Option Explicit Private Sub Worksheet_PivotTableUpdate(ByVal target As PivotTable) SyncPivotFields2 target End Sub This is the module...
  19. ianb

    Chart Titles Good - Text in the chart is too large (papa bear chair)

    Hi, This program is great and sets all the chart titles to the correct size I need to go from 10 size to 8 on the axis x and y how do I do this. 14 is the chart title by default it sets the other text to 10 not 8 as required. Sub ChartTitlesLight() Dim ws As Worksheet Dim ch As...
  20. ianb

    Combo Box

    First time on Drop Box Is this right : https://www.dropbox.com/s/hamzvn6d8le9bzc/Book1.xlsm?m
  21. ianb

    Combo Box

    The file has been prepared how do I post this file. Many Thanks
  22. ianb

    Combo Box

    Sheet 2 has the data as an example : Jan-12 Feb-12 Mar-12 etc Combo Box has reference to these cells and the list index is as follows Jan-12 is 1 Feb-12 is 2 Mar-12 is 3 I can run a vba program to set to the .listindex = 1 as it is Jan-12 at present...