conditional format in the rdbn sheet should check for less than zero and it need to check in invoice is there any negative value if negative value are there it should not apply condtional format.
In invoicing sheet -5 is so RDBN iam getting -5 i dont need to correct it for AMC
But for ABN opening+ invoicing =20 but closing is 30 which is not right i need that to be highlighted.
ideally only ABN needs to be highlighted.
Hope it is clear.
I Have 4 Sheets in the work book
INV Sheets can have negative numbers
I applies conditinal formula for know the number where closing is greater than Opening +Invoicing
But as there are ngative invoicing that is been in the conditnal...
I have 2 Sheets
1. MP
2. Brand NP
MP has the volumes of 2012 and 2013 data both in cases and tons
Tons data start with AM columns
I need to fill the Brand MP Sheet with 2012 and 2013 tons data month wise.
Please suggest me easy way.
IN RDBN SHEET Column C to AB are Actuals Cases and From AF to BE are in ton .
in Brand Sheet i need to get the tons for the respective sales officer.
AJ ,AT,AP are sales officers totals
LS= Sandeep in RDBN Sheet
I have 2 Sheets
1 Sheet is named RDBN
2 Sheet is is named Brand
I Need to get the details from RDBN Sheet to Brand Sheet
For LS in brand sheet it should get the details from AJ Columns, Brand Names are there in b Coulmn in RDBN Sheets
As of now i am giving vlookup by specifying...
For example in Brand Recon Sheet for the B column 4 Row that data i should get is from Opening Sheet AM Column 98 Row
I think you will understand
There are two sheets called brand recon and brand i need to get details from RDBN, CLosing, Opening from for thier respective brands i'e You can refer my brand sheet you will understand
I have Fill which has Packs and Brands
Some of the packs are sub totalled is brands
There is another sheets only Brands
I want link the Brand from the Packs ans Brands
To manually link it is taking take
Do u have any Formula
Please find the sample file...