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Search results

  1. r1c1

    Excel not taking dates in excel formats after 12th of a month

    This really means, your Excel treats dates only in mm/dd/yy format. So you need to enter dates in this way. For example, when typing 14th of september, use the format 09/14/2013 (or 14-sep-2013).
  2. r1c1

    Consolidated view across all forum pages?

  3. r1c1

    New Forum Celebration

    This feature is not supported by new forum software. If you prefer, I can edit your username to Sajan. Let me know.
  4. r1c1

    New Forum Celebration

    Yes, We will be doing a permanent redirect from old forum to new forum when anyone try to navigate there. After harvesting any remaining data (user favorites, may be tags), I will close down the old forum.