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Search results

  1. D

    Copy paste Some selected Cells of a row on same sheet based on value [SOLVED]

    I have a Sheet where i have column from (A - BM). I have a Dropdown in Colomn "F". When i will select "Reschedule" It will Copy certain Cells of the Row which are (A,E,f,g,j,l) And paste in in the next empty row. I know how to copy paste it but i am unable to understand how to when i need on...
  2. D

    macro which will record time for completing a particular task in Excel 2007

    Hi Luke, I am using the above code for time calculation but what i understood is it is only calculating it on the basis of 24 Hours. I need something which will calculate also in days and months & Hours together. Ex- If I start it today and complete is after 3 days without putting it on hold...
  3. D

    work day of the month

    Hi, You can use this formulae. It works on the basis of if the Day is Saturday it adds 2 days to it to get you to Monday and if it is Sunday then it adds up 1 days to get you to monday. IF(MOD(WEEKDAY(Cell_Ref),7)=0,Cell_Ref+2,IF(MOD(WEEKDAY(Cell_Ref),7)=1,Cell_Ref+1,Cell_Ref)) Cell_Ref =...
  4. D

    Conditional formatting based on differnet ro(Not able to drag for every cell)

    Hi All, I am using a Formulae" =$AB$8=FALSE" Then AA8 is Red.It is Happening But the problem is i want the same for the next 100 Cells. Let Me explain. It is Like =$AB$8=FALSE" Then AA8 is Red =$AB$9=FALSE" Then AA9 is Red =$AB$10=FALSE" Then AA10 is Red =$AB$11=FALSE" Then AA11 is...
  5. D

    macro to copy and paste based on certain condition.

    i know how to get the row to next sheet even i know how to copy paste it in the same row but i am having problem in getting the "Reschedule New" when it should be copy pasted in the same sheet..
  6. D

    excel formulae to change date and time if the time exceeds 08.30 pm.

    Hi Narayan, That is exactly what i want. Actually i have created a tracker sheet and our working hours is from 11.30AM - 08.30PM. So Both the condition that you have given is perfect to what i need.
  7. D

    macro to copy and paste based on certain condition.

    Hi All, I was looking for a macro which will identify a certain cell suppose "A:A", If the Valeu is "Reschedule" then it will Copy & Paste the entire row in the next empty row of the same sheet with the value in Column "A" as "Reschedule New" and then the Initial row which was copied should...
  8. D

    excel formulae to change date and time if the time exceeds 08.30 pm.

    If the date & Time combination is as you have given then the date will remin same and the time should change to 11.30 AM.
  9. D

    excel formulae to change date and time if the time exceeds 08.30 pm.

    Hi Narayank991, Thank you very much for the reply. The Formulae works but not exactly the way i want. The problem is it is ading the time with the time which exceeds 20.30 PM.But what i want is if the time exceeds 20.30PM the time i want is next day 11.30 am no matter whta the time is...
  10. D

    excel formulae to change date and time if the time exceeds 08.30 pm.

    hi all i want an excel formulae which will automatically change the date and time to next day and time should be 11.30am if the time exceeds 08.30pm..format dd.mm.yyyy hh.mm am/pm could any one help me.
  11. D

    macro which will record time for completing a particular task in Excel 2007

    Hi Luke, Thanks a Ton it is working great.I just need another help regarding a Date. Date Format is - "DD.MM.YYYY HH.MM AM/PM.. What is need is in a cell when the time exceeds 20.30 PM then the date should change to next day and the time should be 11.30AM.. I just need a formulae. i am...
  12. D

    Copy paste a row on the next sheet based on the value [SOLVED]

    Hey Like M, Could you help me with this.. Hi, I want a macro which will record time for completing a particular task in Excel 2007. The Concept is :- Suppose Column A has a DropDown with 3 options(In Progress, Hold, Completed) and time will be calculated and shown in Column B...
  13. D

    Copy paste a row on the next sheet based on the value [SOLVED]

    Thank You Luke M..It works fine. I also wanted that after copy it will delete the rows in sheet 1. I have done that myself..Thanks
  14. D

    Copy paste a row on the next sheet based on the value [SOLVED]

    I have a Sheet Named "Sheet1" where in column G i have a dropdown where if i select "Completed" then the entire row should be copied to the next sheet"Sheet2". Then after that if again a task is completed it should get copied to the next sheet in the next empty row and son on. I have tried an...
  15. D

    macro which will record time for completing a particular task in Excel 2007

    Hi, I want a macro which will record time for completing a particular task in Excel 2007. The Concept is :- Suppose Column A has a DropDown with 3 options(In Progress, Hold, Completed) and time will be calculated and shown in Column B Conditions: 1. If In Progress TIME Starts 2. If Hold...
  16. D

    Macro To Get the elapsed time to complete a particular work.

    Hi, I want a macro which will record time for completing a particular task in Excel 2007. The Concept is :- Suppose Column A has a DropDown with 3 options(In Progress, Hold, Completed) and time will be calculated and shown in Column B Conditions: 1. If In Progress TIME Starts 2. If Hold...