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  1. oldchippy

    Merry Christmas !

    Santa's had a shave !
  2. oldchippy

    Merry Christmas !

    That goes for me too :cool:
  3. oldchippy

    How to locate Duplicate work order numbers listing the row.

    Hi, Not sure whether this is what you mean? (BTW it should be $A$2, not $A$3) =IF(A2<>"",IF((COUNTIF($A$2:$A$15000,TRIM(A2))>1),"Duplicate in Row, "&A2,""),"--") Whoops - Just seen the duplicate post here...
  4. oldchippy

    How to locate Duplicate work order numbers listing the row.

    Hi Whatever, Try this =IF(A2<>"",IF((COUNTIF($A$3:$A$15000,TRIM(A2))>1),"Duplicate in Row "&ROW(),""),"--")
  5. oldchippy

    Congrats: 1000 posts for Khalid NGO

    Congratulations Ninja!
  6. oldchippy

    Forumulas not showing in formula bar

    Hi, Take a look here, it may help https://support.office.com/en-za/article/hide-and-protect-formulas-db8c8668-5d97-404e-80fc-f43502af00cf
  7. oldchippy

    What's open today?

    Thank you I'll test it out and get back to you - thanks again
  8. oldchippy

    What's open today?

    Yes, thanks
  9. oldchippy

    What's open today?

    Hi @NARAYANK991 I appreciate you are very busy but I was just wondering if you have had chance to do anything with my query yet?
  10. oldchippy

    What's open today?

    Many thanks @NARAYANK991 ....... no rush :cool:
  11. oldchippy

    What's open today?

    @NARAYANK991 Please see the attached on Sheet 1 and the result I'm trying to achieve, hope it makes sense?
  12. oldchippy

    What's open today?

    Yes that's fine, great I can do a sheet for each property
  13. oldchippy

    What's open today?

    The format on my sheet is just to show the different opening days and times these properties are open throughout the year. Inputting that data can be however you think is best to get the right result.
  14. oldchippy

    What's open today?

    Hi Narayan, That is just an example, you can change the format to suit what ever you find easier - thanks
  15. oldchippy

    What's open today?

    Hi jason, What I'm after is just a list of properties that are open on a certain date and also any other information i.e. time 11am - 5.30pm
  16. oldchippy

    What's open today?

    Hi Ninja’s, Attached is a small example of properties with their opening dates/days throughout the year. What I’m after, is when I want to see what is open today, it will give me a list of properties that are open to visit, please can you help? Thank you
  17. oldchippy

    convert Question

    @Syedali Your formula works perfectly for the example given, but if there are any more numbers you have problems - try it. 28838210 28838211 28838212 28838213 28838214 28838215
  18. oldchippy

    getting comma separation

    Hi @Hui You forgot the attachment :-)
  19. oldchippy

    Congratulations Narayan 10,000 Posts

    Congratulations and well done NARAYANK991, that's what I call dedication :)
  20. oldchippy

    Genie in a Lamp

    Breaking News..... Breaking News.... Local Police hunting the 'knitting needle nutter' who has stabbed six people in the @rse in the last 48 hours, believe the attacker could be following some kind of pattern.
  21. oldchippy

    Genie in a Lamp

    A YORKSHIRE LOVE STORY An elderly man lay dying in his bed. While suffering the agonies of impending death, he suddenly smelled the aroma of his favourite scones wafting up the stairs. He gathered his remaining strength, and lifted himself from the bed. Leaning on the wall, he slowly...
  22. oldchippy

    Many many returns of the day Luke Sir !

    Me too, have a good one Luke :DD
  23. oldchippy

    Sum, average and where clause applying in excel

    Hi rkr, Welcome to the forum, take a look at SUMIF() and AVERAGEIF() that should get you started with the homework :DD
  24. oldchippy

    Congratulations Luke on reaching 6,000 posts

    Hi Luke, I just looked in and noticed that you've topped 6,000 - Congratulations and keep up the good work :cool::cool::cool:
  25. oldchippy

    Conditional Fomatting Rule not working

    Hi, Some how your sheet didn't get attached :(