Here what I did
Sub Process()
Dim TableARow As Long
Dim TableBRow As Long
Dim OutputRow As Long
Sheet1.Cells.Clear 'Get rid of any previous values
OutputRow = 1
Sheet1.Cells(OutputRow, "A") = "TableA"
Sheet1.Cells(OutputRow, "B") = "TableB"
TableARow = 2 ' Allow for Headings in Row 1
Thanks for the link....I modified it and it worked.
One correction about "my" math....The permutation is the product and not the Exp.!!!!!!
So, for TableA of 3 and TableB of 5 I get 15 possible permutations and not x to the power of y !!!!!
Good question, Yes I meant permutation not combination because 2 & 3 is the not same as 3 & 2
These tables are indexes. I need x to the power of y in my case y is 2
Needless to say the resulting TableAB is two columns ...etc
Thank you for the correction....
I have 4 one column tables
TableA from 1 to 20
TableB from 1 to 5
TableC from 1 to 7
TableD from 1 to 3
All these tables can EXPAND.
I need to create TableAB with all possible COMBINATIONA but no duplicates
Same for TableBC, TableCD.
In case you wonder I am trying to create test data to...
Let us say Sheet1 has 3 column with headers AAA/BBB/CCC
Each column has data to be used as an aid for data entry in other tables (sheets 2,3,4)
Now Each table in these sheets has various columns AND one of these fields is in sheet1
say HD1/HD2/AAA/HD3 etc
The goal is when reaching AAA...
Thank you for the "kick start". As you must have realized, the possibilities are endless.
And I have no intention of wasting your time in telling you my test results.So,I will ask you to help me in "forcing" the logic to behave. By that I must give the sub some CONSTANTS, Like which rows are...
In my case an VBA Auto generated array resulted in whole outer column(s) of zeros and "outer" row(s) of zeros as well. All what I need is a resized array trimming all the OUTER zeros including zero valued columns. So, if original array 3@5 I could end up with a multidimensional array of 2@3. All...
It seems I am hanging out here with geniuses......
Your quick response amazed me, in addition I got the code too.
I tested the code; gave me EXACTLY what I wanted...( very little fine tuning ) and I am ready to roll
Appreciate very much your support.
Rather than describe the worksheet I am referring to it in my DropBox.
The core procedure is storing specific repeated range ( the yellow part) into an array where I do some complicated calculations. This one I need no help with.
What I...
Excellent work in the subject of Arrays; which is a big topic. Thanks for sharing.
In the link, I noticed this statement that did not work for me.
Set Destination = Range("K1").Resize(NumRows, NumCols).Value = Arr ( The last paragraph)
It caused errors. Changing the first = to Dot did not...
Two birds with one stone.!! Not only it IS better than copy and paste but dynamic too.
I do not need to worry about the array size.It will size it according to the range properties..... WoW.
If I repeat the operation (looping through a worksheet) with a different range(s), do I have to redim...
There must be a way to fill an array as easy as copy a range to another (copy and paste).
Let us say I have a named range A1:D5. And I have an array dimentioned with the same size
What I want to do copy the range to the array, without having to double loop...etc
Is that doable ??
Is it possible to avoid key pressing F8 while stepping into a vba procedure?.
If I can customize the ribbon to click on an icon that will trigger F8, so I move one step at a time while debugging; thus avoiding the keyboard.!!!
The problem:
To avoid duplication of Data, I used linked excel table feature. So, the data is INSIDE excel , and I access it using Access.
Now, if I want to EDIT the content of table( modify, add , and delete), Access does not allow it, because it is FORCING read only on the content.
For unique reasons, it was decided that several related tables was created using Excel. For ease of use and to insure data integrity; the use of Access 2013 was "toyed" with.
I was not aware of the "legal" limitation that ms imposed on linked tables from Excel. It is read only.
The doubt is right there:
debug.print Dict.keys()(i), Dict.items()(i) This one IS working
If I do this
debug.print Dict.keys(i), Dict.items(i)
It does NOT work ....Why I have to use closed brackets to make it work??????
If Dict.Keys is an array I should say Dict.Keys(1) But it gives...
Thank you for your "clear" explanation. Very positive support.
I will study your second point(The index), in the mean time can you please explain to me why (while looping Dict):
For i = 0 To Dict.Count - 1
debug.print Dict.keys()(i), Dict.items()(i) works but
debug.print Dict.key(i)...
By smart I mean if I do this:
Debug.print dict.item("Jane") I get nothing
And if I do:
Debug.print dict.Exists("Jane") I get True
And of course when I do:
Debug.Print GetValue("Jane") I get 68 using the function!!!!!
John 74
Jane 68
Sub Sample()
Dim Dict As Dictionary
Set Dict = New Dictionary
With Dict
.CompareMode = vbBinaryCompare
For i = 1 To 4
.Add Cells(0 + i, 1), Cells(0 + i, 2)
Next i
End With
Debug.Print GetKey(Dict, "68")
Debug.Print GetValue(Dict, "Jane")
Actually, the beauty of your code, is not only "use your own lingo" , but the infinite possibility of ADDING new features!!!. And that where I will be spending most of my time. I will keep you posted.
Classes ? what classes ...Never heard of them.
Hi Hui,
As I mentioned before I have all the time in the world, and I have the feeling that your work will keep me busy for some time. The challenge of course, is you. How I can keep you interested without "you regretting it".!!! I will just played by ear AND cross my fingers.
I have several...