We are in search of the algorithm, this is our focus. Talking about different "Implementations" should not confuse us. The consensus from what I read the cake case has the lion share. BUT they all talk about ONE thing.
If you have a look at the document cake.pdf written by:
University of Utah...
Here is an example, if you agree you are on your way to succeed, (MY PROBLEM is that I disagree)
Let’s see how this works for two players. Let’s say that I divided up the cake into two
parts that I believe to be equal. You disagree: you think one part has 60% (which you
take). Now, appealing...
The only given :
1- 3 Persons
2- One price
3- 3 different rooms (no quantitative figures) , this part is NOT figured in the model.
Did I miss something ???
I had the same feeling too....But I forward it for the following reason:
There must be some "practical" parameter(s) other than RANDOM or pure MATHEMATICAL treatment ( the holy grail ) approach that the model has to follow.
For me to choose a price to pay I need to know what I am getting for...
This one seems "sophisticated" enough but might complicate your effort.....
I will need your advice on this one
Reverse Engineering.....Wow ....what a good idea...
I will start this .....( collecting the row data for your chart).
P.S. It seems there are "few" calculators not one.....I will pick one and see how it goes.
The Algorithm......The holy grail.......
You know, I sometimes use excel to help me out with understanding a concept I cannot visualize.
We have two alternatives:
1. A mathematician that read some abstract material and hand us the holy grail or
2. Use a common sense approach to...
You hit the nail, I read the article and knew that the triangle was a way to demo the concept for the average reader.
(see my responses).
Let us move forward, and yes it is an interactive process and the final result is actually a SELECTED result BY THE USER. ( by that I mean...
Since we are attempting to develop the "general" excel model, this will be a parameter that the user will define.
and since we can use the site calculator to compare our results with the calculator; let us start work with the given example of 3 tenants and three rooms and total rent of 3000.
The increase of the number of triangle is not to cater for more than 3, it is to improve on the accuracy of the calculation. The article picked 3 to demo the algorithm. If you go to the calculator, you can see what I mean.
This is how I understand it so far. Correction is greatly appreciated...
Now if we use triangles, we are limiting the solution to the number 3
And the beauty of the algorithm is, it can be ANY NUMBER of parameters.
Following the rental example, the problem could be a building with n flats, and m candidates.
Each flat has plus and minus features and we...
Please refere to this
The calculator used by the site is a bit vague, so my and hopefully your challenge to make an excel model of it.
Let the fun starts...
P.S. I...
I downloaded the convert software. Went to options (Excel 2013) and selected the addon.
Then nothing is happening... I am supposed to get Icon for MySql to click ??
I know you have not used these for sometime, so may be you direct me to a link for support ...I need a helping hand....
Thank you for your response.
Is it Oracle that made it a rocket science task by design( 200 mb !!!).
I will go for the Convert software and cross my fingers....
As I said before I only want to read it and not writing back.
From what I read so far, I need to install mysql into my windows system !!
Then establish a connection..!!!
All what I need is to import the file.
There must be an easy way to do that without the hassle of "learning" mysql !!!
Your help will be greatly appreciated..
Here is my problem:
Calculate electricity bill
The progressive table
0001-0050 costs 0.05
0051-0200 costs 0.10
0201-0350 costs 0.15
0351-0650 costs 0.25
0651-1000 costs 0.40
1001 plus costs 0.50
I need to add accumulative costs to reach the final cost, in this table 1500 KWH cost 505.00...
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In the field of math... An Iraqi mathematician came up with...