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Search results

  1. A

    Login ID or user name, with date and time....

    Hi Friends, I have an excel workbook template, in that I wanted to know, from whose "login id or user name, dated when and at what time" last changes are happened in the workbook. Like.. Column A= Last changes by User Name/Login ID? Column B= Last changes on which date ? Column C= Last...
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    Protection tab of the Format Cells dialog box is not appearing.....!!!

    Hi Faseeh, since long time back.... Thanks let me chk...
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    Protection tab of the Format Cells dialog box is not appearing.....!!!

    Hi SirJB7, Long time back i had received excel file from my friend, in this excel file if im going to open "format cell dialog box" the Protection Tab is not appearing for the specific sheet1 only,sheet2 and sheet3 are having the protection tab. Friends, Pls guide...how to do it...i am...
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    Protection tab of the Format Cells dialog box is not appearing.....!!!

    Hi Friends, While enjoying with excel work, I just got one thought/ challenge...i would like to share it.... How can hide/ unhide "Protection tab of the Format Cells dialog box" it should not appear in the sheet or worksheet. Thanks in advance Rgds, Ajinkya
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    Regarding VBA codes, stucked . Need help

    Thanks Dude, i got the same....
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    Regarding VBA codes, stucked . Need help

    Hi Narayan, I got that....your detailed description is very helpful me, your effort are not wasted. After such a deep analysis, I have done it from my end, if im not wrong there is some logic of Name Manager....from defined name... @ Koushik, also thanks for your guidance. Narayan &...
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    Regarding VBA codes, stucked . Need help

    Hi Koushik, your snapshot is correct, let me check date setting at my end. Could you pls guide me about my earlier pt. no. 1, i know narayan has explained me as his best but im very basic learner of VBA....pls help me. i want to add 5 or 6 manufactures and each max 40 models in dropdown...
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    Regarding VBA codes, stucked . Need help

    Hi Koushik, thanks i had received your mail also meanwhile i have gone through it. there is small query, if i'm selecting date from calender 10-July-2012 then in the txtStartDate (date text box, which you have added) it is showing Oct-7-2012. I have tried to change date format and also...
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    Regarding VBA codes, stucked . Need help

    Okie Narayan, thanks for your efforts, may im not able to catch it ;-( but once day will be able to.... :-) @ Koushik, pls help...
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    Regarding VBA codes, stucked . Need help

    Hi Narayan, Could you pls suggest me in following statement. Public Sub UserForm_Initialize() ComboBox1.List() = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("B3:F3").Value) End Sub Private Sub ComboBox1_Change() selected_text =...
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    Regarding VBA codes, stucked . Need help

    sure, Its.. ajinkya.bhavsar@yahoo.com
  12. A

    Regarding VBA codes, stucked . Need help

    Hi Kaushik, thanks a lot its working, if the brand, model, qnty is null.... but as you suggested for date, :-( not able get it done , pls guide also pls help in to my point no. 1, as i want to add more manufactures but its getting debug error....
  13. A

    Regarding VBA codes, stucked . Need help

    Hi Narayan, As per my privious blog, I have extended manuf actures in D3=Mercedes, E3=BMW and F3= Wolksvagon and as per following made changes in the statement (instead of C3, made F3) Public Sub UserForm_Initialize() ComboBox1.List() =...
  14. A

    Regarding VBA codes, stucked . Need help

    Hi Narayan, If im extenidng manufacture range, getting debug error. and it is gets highlight yellow color on "ComboBox2.List() = Range(selected_text).Value" statement...
  15. A

    Regarding VBA codes, stucked . Need help

    Hi Narayan, First thanks to teach me, i have done required changes also added some models but i am not able to add more brands in dropdown list (like Mercedes Benz, BMW, Wolksvagon etc.) The file "Switch On - Data Entry V7.2 (Solved)" is uploaded on...
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    Regarding VBA codes, stucked . Need help

    Dear Masters, First of all i would like to thanks for your valuable guidance, because of ur direction i could able to learn new things. Also im very basic learner of excel VBA programming. With your guidance, i have prepared template based on VBA codes. Require ur more guidance, i have...
  17. A

    need guidance to write a code to take date from useform3.calender1

    Hi Narayan, Sorry to say, not able to get it done....
  18. A

    need guidance to write a code to take date from useform3.calender1

    Hi Masters, Some one could please help me? i'm not able to take date or write a code for selection of date into Sheet name "Data" column "E" with the help userform3.calender1 sample data and file is uploaded....address is https://hotfile.com/dl/162557126/7b42acc/Data_Entry.xlsm.html...
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    First or Last date of material received

    Thanks Hui,Its really helped me. could you pls guide me how come we can find out first date instead of last.
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    First or Last date of material received

    Hi Masters, I have huge data (of last 5 years) with material received date. There is a "XYZ" material received 100 times in a 10 days/month/year. I want to find out what is the first or last date received of "XYZ" material ? Is there any formula for that...? for more understanding sample...
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    Formula for 4 slabs of %

    Hi Shaun, Result is coming "A" for all criteria.... Meanwhile, i have used =IF(A2<70%,"A",IF(A2<80%,"B",IF(A2>90%,"D","C"))) Its working :-) Cheers
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    Formula for 4 slabs of %

    Hi, I want to segregate percentages into four slabs like as, 0-70=A 71-80=B 81-90=C 91-100=D Tried to sorted out but...,pls suggest formula for the same.
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    Send email when a Cell value is less than a number

    Yup dear, got it. thanks for...
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    Show BCC in outlook

    Hi bobhc, Wish you the same, Infact it is available, in my last work place i have seen it but bad luck... :-(
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    Show BCC in outlook

    Hi Masters, I dont know is this right place to launch the question or not? Can any one let me know, In my received outlook e-mail, how can i know who are there in BCC in the outlook mail? Is there any software which i can show me the addresee in the BCC. Thanks in advance. Ajinkya