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Search results

  1. J

    SMALL VLOOKUP challenge!

    There are several ways to fix this problem, but my favorite, by far, is to introduce a little bit of error into the mix. In this updated version, I've added + ROW()/1000000 to each % green value. The ROW() formula grabs the current row and dividing it by 1000000 ensures that small, negligible...
  2. J

    Array not liking formulas within {}

    I could be wrong about this (one of the gurus may need to step in and confirm), but I don't think you can put cell references in arrays. What you can do however is reference a cell array directly. So, for example, in cells A1:D1 you could put "Jan","Feb","Mar","Q1" respectively in each cell...
  3. J

    Excel crashes when i close the file having macro.

    The problem is happening in the Workbook_BeforeSave event. I will excerpt the code here in case someone sees a problem immediately: Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean) 'to run a macro named update Call Sheet1.Update 'Turn off events to prevent...
  4. J

    SUMIF not working

    Hmmm, this may sound like a silly question, but are you sure that your references to cells A1:A150 and (I assume) B1:B150 are absolute reference? If you could provide your workbook (or an example workbook) to the forum, I think that will give more information upon which to resolve your problem.
  5. J

    Formatting time series data for chart

    No problem Cmdr. Send my regards to Picard.
  6. J

    Formatting time series data for chart

    Here's how I would do it. I don't promise it's the best method, but I do think it's easy to implement (although, I'll let you be the judge). If you want to plot this data as one series, then your end goal is to get everything into one line. So, I would start by creating a new sheet in the...
  7. J

    Looking for United States map in Shapes, specifically Alaska and Hawaii

    Also, how did you make those shapes? You didn't draw them each individually with the freeform tool, did you? Because that sounds terrible.
  8. J

    Looking for United States map in Shapes, specifically Alaska and Hawaii

    Well, I needed Excel shapes for this: http://optionexplicitvba.blogspot.com/2012/10/interactive-united-states-2012.html ...although one wonders if it's worth reproducing in Excel what can be done easily with Google Maps or tableau.... Anyway, thanks so much to everyone for their help...
  9. J

    Looking for United States map in Shapes, specifically Alaska and Hawaii

    Thanks for the link guys. Luke - thanks for the link - it had almost all of the shapes I needed, except for Hawaii. That's OK, I was able to make do without it.
  10. J

    Looking for United States map in Shapes, specifically Alaska and Hawaii

    I have a map of the US with each state as a "shape" object. This set of shapes only has the contitental US, but I'd really like everything (alaska, hawaii, islands...), if such a set exists. I looked online but could only found pay and give-me-all-your-information-first sites -- does anyone know...
  11. J

    Newly Intsalled Windows 7 With Excel 2003 - VBA Compile Error ???

    Hmmmm.... That Common Controls library is no longer part of the new installations of Office. Try simply deselecting the checked missing library. Save. Exit Excel. Then open it up and try running the macro again. If that doesn't work, download the library here...
  12. J

    Newly Intsalled Windows 7 With Excel 2003 - VBA Compile Error ???

    Qcan, Open the Visual Basic Editor. Go to > Tools > References. Look at the top of the checked-list to see if there are any libraries labeled as "MISSING!," or something to that effect. If there are, take note post what you find here.
  13. J

    Auto-size Full Screen

    Dan, this link provides more instruction if you require: http://excelvbaprogramming.wordpress.com/2012/09/17/automatically-fit-your-spreadsheet-to-its-best-fit-for-most-monitors/ but it's essentially the same information as given above.
  14. J

    Specific cell formatting with validation check

    @SirJB7. Well, it's not really my formula. I did add the '=', which, as you can imagine, was back-breaking. I'm so exhausted now.
  15. J

    Specific cell formatting with validation check

    Stumpy, When you pasted Faseeh's formula above, did you by chance add an equals sign before his code? In the formula box, the text should actually read: =AND(LEN(D6)=6,(MID(D6,3,1)="/")=TRUE,ISERROR(VALUE(LEFT(D6,2)))=FALSE,ISERROR(VALUE(RIGHT(D6,3)))=FALSE) If you happened to paste it...
  16. J

    Excel and Sharepoint

    Might this article be of help? I am not a sharepoint expert, so forgive me if it is of no help. http://sharepointknowledgebase.blogspot.com/2011/06/data-validation-greyed-out.html
  17. J


    Are you able to post an example file of your work? Could you be more specific on exactly what kind of error you've run into?
  18. J

    Return named data range in a cell

    This: http://blog.contextures.com/archives/2009/05/03/select-excel-chart-dates-from-a-drop-down-list/ and this: http://www.squidoo.com/create-a-dynamic-chart-using-a-combo-box
  19. J

    Return named data range in a cell

    Hi ultros1234. Welcome to the forum. I'm newish here too, so I don't know how much my welcome means - but that's what the Excel ninjas do! I don't think there is a way to return the name of a range, but I don't think you need that. What you want to do is have a datarange that is dynamic based...
  20. J

    Displaying only one Ribbon Tab Dynamically

    I think you're right :/. Thanks for the help, Luke. In the mean time, I've employed Andy Pope's RibbonEditor (http://www.andypope.info/vba/ribboneditor_2010.htm) which has allowed me to set the visibility of the default tabs pretty quickly based on what's opened.
  21. J

    Displaying only one Ribbon Tab Dynamically

    Well the GetVisible part of Ron's work was very helpful - in fact, it's how I created the mechnism to display/hide the workbook based on what file is currently open. One workaround I could see for this is to set each of the standard Ribbon item's visibility to false. The problem with this method...
  22. J

    Displaying only one Ribbon Tab Dynamically

    Hey everyone! Here is my problem. I have an Excel application whose tab navigation is implemented through buttons on a Ribbon tab instead of buttons in a spreadsheet. So far, I've successfully created a new "Navigation" tab to display these buttons and execute their callbacks. The tab menu...
  23. J

    Charting - hide an axis with a checkbox

    George, just to clarify - do you want know hide/show a series based on a checkbox value - or, is there just one series but you want to display one (or two) different axes for the series?
  24. J

    Chandoo Email.xlsx Macro - changing output format

    For the "range parts" you would just surround them with strings of HTML tags as you did with your labels. For example, <br /> olMail.HTMLBody = _<br /> "<font face='arial' size=2>Please post the following <strong><b>" &...