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  1. D

    How to have Excel tabulate and return the custom results in a golf match format

    Hi Narayan, I ran this MatchFormat_10 on my MacBook Pro and did not notice any delay whatsoever (maybe just a tad - yet not bothersome at all) while filling the scorecard for Group 9 in TWO tab. Seems to look good at first glance. Then I noticed this new golfer named David Thompson who have...
  2. D

    How to have Excel tabulate and return the custom results in a golf match format

    Hi Narayan, I see. The trouble is that in my version with the window too small, thus I cannot edit. Can you change the range to include the maximum 52 possible players to cover 26 golfers on each team. I still do not see the 4 new golfers name show up in the Column B and I in DASHBD...
  3. D

    How to have Excel tabulate and return the custom results in a golf match format

    Narayan, I suppose you may like to see how I did with your MatchFormat_8 so here is my uploaded version 9 to give you an idea: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dgrtp20z5bt1s2z/MatchFormat_9.xlsx Mark
  4. D

    How to have Excel tabulate and return the custom results in a golf match format

    Hi Narayan, When you say "...your system...", did you mean my hardware or software version? Keep in mind this testing was made on my iMac, a late 2012 model with Intel Core i7 and a latest graphic card. Here is how my test ran on your MatchFormat_8.xlsx version; Started to copy down...
  5. D

    How to have Excel tabulate and return the custom results in a golf match format

    Hi Narayan, You got it right. How did you possibly get Excel to read and match when the DASHBD has only the last names and the other tabs shows both the first and last name of golfers. The golfers' names are inputed in ONE, TWO, and THREE tabs, and thereby should we make the Column B...
  6. D

    How to have Excel tabulate and return the custom results in a golf match format

    Hi Narayan, How is it coming for the LOOKUP (or whatever you come up with) project on DASHBD? The time is getting close for field testing. Thank you again! Mark
  7. D

    How to have Excel tabulate and return the custom results in a golf match format

    Hi Narayan, Do you find AND(C73=0,C74=0) advantageous over SUM($W73:$W74)=0 when both is working fine for my purpose, let me hear this out otherwise Then are we ready for DASHBD, right? https://www.dropbox.com/s/7r4m2cffboziyvv/MatchFormat_5.xlsx Mark
  8. D

    How to have Excel tabulate and return the custom results in a golf match format

    Hi Narayan, Hey, my eyes were looking so hard at the Column W. The fix should have been in the rows of AS and 1UP with that same SUM() I wrote above. The file is updated as above and check that out. If good, then we can move on to the DASHBD tab to writeup the LOOKUP() or whatever you come...
  9. D

    How to have Excel tabulate and return the custom results in a golf match format

    Hi Narayan, That is cool (and so quickly) you came up with the IF() to compare the team pair inside the SIGN(). That really kissed away the VBA thought! Then take a look at how I tried to turn off the AS cells in cells X73:X76 as a test before copying to the rest of range in Column X for TWO...
  10. D

    How to have Excel tabulate and return the custom results in a golf match format

    Hi Narayan, Did you mean to say the manual tabulation already on DASHBD should accurately reflect what had resulted in the other workbooks? Almost. Nevertheless just go ahead to write the formula. Dont' worry. It shall be my responsibility for its accuracy after the formula is written up...
  11. D

    How to have Excel tabulate and return the custom results in a golf match format

    Hi Narayan, Yes, you got it working right after I have given your new formula a workout with several possiblities. I have copied and pasted to ONE tab and gave it a test there. Here is the uploaded file and you can check it: https://www.dropbox.com/s/stste84hkc6fiod/MatchFormat_4.xlsx...
  12. D

    How to have Excel tabulate and return the custom results in a golf match format

    Narayan, OK, can we at least begin working on the missing '2UP' in cell AT18 so we can have that squared away while you mull over VBA option. What is VBA as opposed to a macro, may I ask. Enlighten me what would involve with VBA if that has to do with what version I have in Excel? Mark
  13. D

    How to have Excel tabulate and return the custom results in a golf match format

    Hello Narayan? Did you see my reporting about the missing '2UP' in what I presume the responsible formula found in Column AT. Can we fix the first one there that is in cell AT18. I noticed this is an array formula, meaning I need to use the CTRL +SHIFT+ENTER command in copying the edited...
  14. D

    How to have Excel tabulate and return the custom results in a golf match format

    @ bobhc, thanks for the array command tip. That explains away any pertinent error message I wondered about. @ Narayan, disregard the ISBLANK question. I got it now. Next is how I caught an oversight by looking at cells X47 and X73 in THREE tab where it returned with a string of '2 and 0'...
  15. D

    How to have Excel tabulate and return the custom results in a golf match format

    Hi Narayan, I tried to type the whole formula you wrote in cells V8 and V9 of ONE tab into the same cells in THREE tab and made sure the range is entered longer as from Row 17 to Row 133 for the THREE tab. The cell V8 in THREE tab however returned with a "#VALUE!" It is the same problem...
  16. D

    How to have Excel tabulate and return the custom results in a golf match format

    Hi Narayan, The formula you wrote for the team wins tally is cleverly efficient. I am tickled here. For the ISBLANK, where do I insert the ISBLANK() to read cell W17 in this nested formula; =IF(C19>C17,"1UP",IF(C19=C17,"AS"," "))? Then go to THREE tab to see why the formula returns...
  17. D

    How to have Excel tabulate and return the custom results in a golf match format

    Hi Narayan, Just a couple more quickies needed for the ONE tab; 1. formula to tally all the match games one point for a team win and half point for a tie in cells V8 and V9. 2. for the 1UP and AS rows, a nested formula to leave blank until strokes are filled. Use ISBLANK?
  18. D

    How to have Excel tabulate and return the custom results in a golf match format

    Hi Narayan, Let's hold off the macro for highlighting the winning hole. I might upgrade to Excel 2011 for Mac and that should allow me more than the limit of 3 rules in Excel 2008 for Mac. I have uploaded the improved file for you to check into...
  19. D

    How to have Excel tabulate and return the custom results in a golf match format

    @ Narayan, LOL about handicap of 50+. The cut-off is mercifully at 36 in the US Golf Association handicap books. In other words, USGA reminds this golfer to take lessons to lower it. Never heard of Ryder Cup (Team US vs Team Europe) or even President's Cup (Team US vs Team Asia) in...
  20. D

    How to have Excel tabulate and return the custom results in a golf match format

    Hi Narayan, Exactly the culprit. My Excel 2008 for the Mac only allow 3 rules and as a result the #4 got bumped out, leaving #2 and #3 in exhibit and #1 not present. Hence I would not be able to introduce the #1, unless I give up the #2. Hmm. I would rather utilize the rows with 1UP and...
  21. D

    How to have Excel tabulate and return the custom results in a golf match format

    Hi Narayan, I am unable to see the green highlights on cells U31, S52, and Q61 on my end. Me now puzzled. On the marketing comment, I was unable to find a golf software that has the specific format I have designed. This is what brought me to this site. I concur with Narayan that we are...
  22. D

    How to have Excel tabulate and return the custom results in a golf match format

    Hi Narayan, You are right we oughta focus on Hole 10-18 for the winning hole. No chance for the first 9 holes. :) However I am unable to see the CF you did for Columns M through U to highlight the winning hole. However I see the third condition missing for the strokes part that I created...
  23. D

    How to have Excel tabulate and return the custom results in a golf match format

    Narayan, Is that too much trouble to add a formula for the blank cells to turn off the 'AS' in the Columns C to U until strokes are entered? Mark
  24. D

    How to have Excel tabulate and return the custom results in a golf match format

    Hi Narayan, This should suit my purpose fine since it appears you would find it too much trouble to write a nested formula to tell Excel to cut off the 1UP and AS cells once the game is over. Then the mission is accomplished for the 'ONE' tab. I can see this Columns AB to AT range can be...
  25. D

    How to have Excel tabulate and return the custom results in a golf match format

    Hi Narayan, Looks good. It is my focus on formulating the result in Column X, showing up on the winning side. If 'AS', it would then on both sides there. Then what would be the best way to highlight the winning hole for the winning side between Columns C and U? We already use up the...