Hi Narayan,
That is right about 12.5. I had thought Excel would normally round it up to the next integer if I format the cells to show no decimal place. Bear that fact I do not deal with fractions in Excel so this came as a revelation for me to TELL Excel what to do with the decimal places...
Hi Narayan,
Sorry for the confusion; yes, I am talking about those with the original odd-numbered HCP that has issue, not the factored HCP. You are now looking at TORY WATSON who has an original HCP of 25 as an example.
Hi Narayan,
That is because DANNY SMITH has a even numbered HCP. Go look at those golfers with odd-numbered HCP and you will see they are 1 short of -1s. Take a look at TORY WATSON; his shows 13 in AE62 and also in B57, yet notice his 13th hole handicap (Hole #3), the gross and net strokes...
HI Narayan,
Yes, I did check and then went ahead to strip off the =ROUNDDOWN(). Currently the formula in column AE in RESULTS tab would read as =PRODUCT(Ycell,Netfactor). If you do see that, that is the latest file version.
It would be better to resend with a 'c' version so you know it...
Hi Narayan,
The committee decided against the ROUNDDOWN, meaning we allow the normal round up of .5 or higher to the next whole number above otherwise dropping to the lower whole number. Thus, I stripped off the =ROUNDDOWN formula and allowing Excel to round it off by using this =PRODUCT...
Hi Narayan,
I have copied the formula for TWO and THREE tabs without a hitch. So far so good. The Range Names tab is a nice addition by the way. Thanks!
Shall we now move on to the NETSKINS file. What do you think of how I added a formula in RESULTS tab to column AE. The formula in AE...
Hi Narayan,
I did copy and paste to the rest of the games in ONE tab. This formula is even better than what we tried to do wiht the Conditional Formatting but my Excel 2008 can only take 3 rules.
But, take a look at Y59:Y62; it would not return 'AS' even though the IF formula has it...
Hi Narayan,
I am getting the hang of it with the PLAYERS tab. I dragged the cell B50 to B51 and I see Jeff Lenham's name show up then. The rest is resolved there. That is cool!
Now waiting for the answer to results formula for ONE and TWO tabs, and the SKINS. :-)
Hi Narayan,
I am able to download and see the file. Thank you, and we are almost there. Jeff Lenham (cell B117 - THIRD tab) replaces Jerry NIchols. I do see his name in cell A267 of PLAYERS tab but for some reason, his name did not show up under Team California in the LEADER tab. Jeff...
Hi Narayan,
Waiting for your reply the past two days afford me some further thinking. Would like to resolve quickly a couple of separate issues on this posting:
Let's begin first with the error in the LEADER tab. Team California players has incorrect totals for rounds played. I see the...
Hi Narayan,
Yes, we have understood each other and achieved for the objective of taking the gross score to arrive at net scores just fine. That design worked fine for our purpose. That is until this Desert Cup event when I heard for the first time about halving the golfer's handicap as a way...
Hi Narayan,
Here is my thought on addressing the golfers handicap for Net Skins result. How about naming a cell, X8, 'Handicapper', and then add a formula to look at a golfer's handicap value and produces by a multiplier value to arrive at either whole or halved product. BUT I see the halved...
Hi Narayan,
I understand the approach to troubleshooting for the problem that begins alphabetically with the first offending row and that begins with Jose Sermeno. Then, I do catch a mixup starting at C36 based on the pattern of formula above in Column C. Shoot, this is strange to think of...
Hi Narayan,
Take a look at the uploaded file for Desert Cup 2013:
Take a look at the LEADER tab and you will notice the number of rounds for TEAM CA players does not add up correctly. They all should show '3' under the AD column.
Hi Narayan,
I am back from the event. There are a few wrinkles to iron out in both MatchFormat and NetSkins files. Let me start first with this quick issue in the uploaded NetSkins.
It seems the table is corrupted again. I have...
Hi Narayan,
There will never be a match that ends with a 0. So the F6 + F8 should work neatly.
I have tested the THREE tab, filling Group 1A and 1B with complete strokes and the LEADER tab showed tabulations correctly thus far. The real test will be this Sunday.
Will let you know how...
Hi Narayan,
Yes, the 2 AZ golfers in Group 1, ONE tab did not register the loss whereas the 2 CA golfers did get their win. Don't you agree that is the issue here? Otherwise I can conur with you to let all the data put in for the accurate results.
Hi Narayan,
If you are still up, I have this feedback for you. I have copied the fomula in cell X17 and X19 for all of the groups in the ONE tab:
Take a look at this uploaded file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/w3ptqjkpeoaj7rr/2013DCMatchFormat_rev2.xlsx
It seems we make progress with the...
It is past bedime for me. So I will check in the morning what you solved for my last question with the updated file. Let's hope all wrinkles get ironed out before the tee-off this Friday.
Hi Narayan,
Yes, changing the names to first and last name to avoid comma does the trick. But then the alphabetical order is based on first names then. I can live with that for now. Need to resolve the missing names still in the LEADER tab. The changes can be seen in the uploaded file...
HI Narayan,
Another question here. I have two Ellis brothers on TEAM CA and Murashiges on TEAM AZ. How can those names be unique in the LEADER tab when only last name is shown? Improve the formula then to show the first names as well? If I type both the last name and first name for each...
Hi Narayan,
Sounds logical. But I ask myself what if the strokes are entered in ONE tab, will this means the problem above for TWO tab comes back to haunt me? YES, after testing by just entering the golfers names for foursomes in Group 1 in ONE tab and filling the strokes only for Hole #1, I...
Hi Narayan,
Take a look at this uploaded file.
I have entered the golfers' names in TWO tab since that is agreed upon right now. Notice all of the golfers in LEADER tab get the one loss. Should I ignore that until the...
Hi Narayan,
Your suggestion to rename from PAIR to GROUP is duly noted. Made the change.
This time I backtracked my idea by keeping two files separate. No need copying the worksheets over to MatchFormat.xlsx. Instead I would open the NetSkins.xlsx and use the ='[filename]workbook'...
HI Narayan,
All looks good and ready for use this weekend. As I put on the finishing touch, I also copied as a group the two RESULTS and SKINS tabs in NetSkins.xlsx. Then next came the question how I want to keep the link or break the automatic links to information in other workbook. I had...