it could be the name of your Tab. for example if you will click on cell A1 it will show you A1 in top left corner, however if you will than click on the A1 text (top left corner) you can change A1 to your own name for example Indirect. All deepens on where are your data it could be same sheet...
lookup_value: this is what you wont to found in firs cell of the tab which have all your data
table_array: this is the tab with your data
col_index_num: number of column from which you would like to get information
I have some data from my friend, first column is the time as ex. 01:02:59 and second is number ex. 5
once i will create pivot table and than want to group the time to be sorted by hours (between 01:00:00 and 01:59:59) will jump a error CANNOT GROUP THAT SELECTION. am not sure why ...
also the...