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Search results

  1. A

    How to show products over an agreed date in a pivot table

    hi Sajan, thank you for your reply and I have been doing lots of tutorials and I can figure out the averages and perfecting this all day!!! I still cannot find a tutorial that shows me due dates/agreed dates etc in pivot tables? can you help or point me in the right direction? Once again...
  2. A

    Date Calculations -over agreed date for products in Pivot table

    Hi all, am new! so please bear with me and thank you for your time! I am trying to do the following: 1)      Build pivot to calculate things like: -          Average lead time per order type -          Average lead time per platform -          Orders breached SLA per month for the last six...
  3. A

    How to show products over an agreed date in a pivot table

    Hi all, am new and appreciate any help any of you kind and experienced people can provide. I have an interview after taking 5 years off on maternity leave!! and my excel skills are not what they used to be!! I need help on the following: 1)      Build pivot to calculate things like...