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  1. A

    move cell content without conditional formatting

    Hi Narayan, Yes you understood correctly. My conditional formatting rule is as follows. =b$97>0 then highlight cell with yellow color. Now, b97 is associated with let us say b12. b,c, d ...etc columns of 12th row contains name of faculties engaged in first lecture. b97 contains 0 if...
  2. A

    move cell content without conditional formatting

    I have tried to implement your formula. But I am not getting desired result. Let me explain my entire problem in detail. I have an excel sheet of time table of a school. This sheet contains multiple rows with name of a teacher having lecture in a particular class. Header row indicates class and...
  3. A

    move cell content without conditional formatting

    First of all thanks for quick reply. but my problem is not solved yet. actually the helper row is generated from some formula. Value 1 in helper row is an indication of duplication of names. So whenever duplicates are removed then automatically the helper row will be updated through formula...
  4. A

    move cell content without conditional formatting

    Need your help. I have created an excel sheet where multiple names are written in different cells of one row. Multiple such rows are there. below name rows, there is 1 row corresponding to each row containing numbers. Duplicate name entry contains 1 others will have 0. For e.g. Kat Jones...