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  1. G

    A Problem With Rankings

    I stand corrected. It didn't work. :-( When I listed the players in order, so that 10 was in cell A1, 9 was in cell B1, etc. down to the tenth guy in J1 it worked fine. However, when I mixed them up so that the 10-point guy was in C1, the second place (9 point) guy was in F1, etc. it didn't...
  2. G

    A Problem With Rankings

    OMG, that worked!! Except for one slight thing. That 10-person example I gave was just an example. In some cases there will be 63 players, in another 9, in another 14, etc. Is there some way, in the second part of the equation, to put a range instead of "10, 9, 8, 7 ...1" I'm trying to come...
  3. G

    A Problem With Rankings

    I’m using Excel to track player finishes and award points based on those finishes and am stuck on how to handle ties. There are ten players. I can rank their finishes 1-10 using Excel’s rank function and it handles ties. Thus, if there are ten players the finishes can be 1, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6...