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  1. B

    Rand selection without duplication...

    Here is what happens when I apply this, adjusted for, to a test template of 25 employees. COL C = RAND() COL D = INDEX(B$2:B$21,MATCH(LARGE(C$2:C$21,ROW(B2)),C2:C$21,0)) COL A = Number, COL B=Employee...,COL C=RAND(), COL D=INDEX 1 Employee A 0.501143691412801 Employee I 2 Employee B...
  2. B

    Rand selection without duplication...

    Thank you - I do follow that however in the example used, 25% of 100 will need to have 25 employees and this only provides one - of course I am missing something and wonder if you can help further?
  3. B

    Rand selection without duplication...

    I need to randomly select 25% of workforce for Drug Screening. I have set up a template to test my formula out - 25 employees and used the rand as well as the randbetween formulas however it often creates duplicates - is there a simple formula to calculate without the duplication?