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  1. R


    Hi Team, I need to create an add-in in Excel which will have to check every excel workbook that is open & active to see it has Sheets with specific name like ex "Source-101" & "Reporting-1001" and the if it find them in the work book then proceed to check if the Cell "N93" have the text "...
  2. R

    Sum (Sumif in VBA

    Thanks Hui, May i know what is the CSTR & Chr(34) means for and the job they are doing . This will help me in understanding more.
  3. R

    Sum (Sumif in VBA

    Hi , i receiving an error 1004 while trying to execute the below code . Sheets("result").Range("AC10").Formula = "=SUM(SUMIF(Data!A16:A" & DATAlROW & " ,{" Awards & Incentives","Rebate & Givebacks","Unbilled Adjustments","Fixed Fee Billing"}"", Data!G16:G" & DATAlROW & ")" Appreciate your...
  4. R

    Copy the data from Multiple sheets

    Hi Team, I need VBA code for Copying the Column A data from multiple sheets which defined in ARRAY and pastet them in the Same work Sheet1 Column A row 3. Problem i am facing is the lastrow of each sheet is different. Ho do I Loop the For Each Sheet code to get the data copied from the...
  5. R

    Sumifs with Color and statement as criteria

    Hi Asheesh, The other criteria is resource & Fruit in my provide example file.
  6. R

    Sumifs with Color and statement as criteria

    Hi Team, I am recahing out to you to see if there is availability to do sum based on Color and annormal criteria . attached is the example for your reference. Thanks in advance for you help. Raghava
  7. R

    VBA Array Code

    Hey Could some Explain the below formula used ? With .Offset(1).Resize(.Rows.Count - 1).Columns(2) MsgBox Join(Filter(Evaluate("transpose(if((mod(row(1:" & .Rows.Count & "),3)=1)*(" & .Address & _ "=""""),address(row(" & .Address & "),4,4),char(2)))"), Chr(2), 0), vbLf)
  8. R

    Actual Last row needed

    Hi , I have Xlsb file where by mistake i have updated formula in a column to last row ( 1048576) and saved it . Now i am trying to reset to actual end last row 1456 . While i am deleting row , excel gives me error saying that "Excel cannot complete the task with available resources. Choose...
  9. R

    Actual Last row needed

    Hi , I have Xlsb file where by mistake i have updated formula in a column to last row ( 1048576) and saved it . Now i am trying to reset to actual end last row 1456 . While i am deleting row , excel gives me error saying that "Excel cannot complete the task with available resources. Choose...
  10. R

    VBA code to reset the last used Row

    Hi , I have Xlsb file where by mistake i have updated formula in a column to last row ( 1048576) and saved it . Now i am trying to reset to actual end last row 1456 . While i am deleting row , excel gives me error saying that "Excel cannot complete the task with available resources. Choose...
  11. R

    VBA Array Code

    This works as per requirement , Jindon i kindly request you to provide explain the formula so that i have some learning too :) With .Offset(1).Resize(.Rows.Count - 1).Columns(2) MsgBox Join(Filter(Evaluate("transpose(if((mod(row(1:" & .Rows.Count & "),3)=1)*(" & .Address & _...
  12. R

    VBA Array Code

    Hi Marc L, I have used the provided code (arrayone) , but this time the change is that my column D is with merged cell but filled with required information but code is still picking the all cells except the first cell of the merged one which has value . Could you please help me provide the...
  13. R

    VBA Array Code

    Hello , This time i need the same with AND criteria attached is the file . below is the code I changed , like always its not working .... V = Filter([TRANSPOSE(IF(D5:D25="",IF(AND(B5:B25="All",C5:C25>0),ADDRESS(ROW(D5:D25),4,4))))], False, False)
  14. R

    VBA Array Code

    Hi I made some adjustments to the provided code as my requirement . E = Filter([TRANSPOSE(IF(B64:B183="",IF(F64:F183="YYY",IF(G64:G183>0,ADDRESS(ROW(G64:G183),2,4)))))], False, False) While i am trying to add another condition IF(F64:F183="XXX" it is throwing an error. Please help.
  15. R

    VBA Array Code

    Hi , Could you please provide an understanding of filter option and the 4,4 referring to that is used in Code. Regards Raghava.
  16. R

    VBA Array Code

    Hi Team, Code is really helpfull, but i was thinking that i would get something on Array , if there could be something as such would be great . Also i have one question on the VBA Before close event of the work book , can this code be called or triggered from a Module instead of THISWORK.
  17. R

    VBA Array Code

    Just to keep it more simple the code to run through for those cells which are not blank in range C5 :C25 and then check if the respective cell in column D is not bank for the cells in whic are filled with data. If found then pop up a MSG box
  18. R

    VBA Array Code

    Hi Team, I need your help to provide a code which will check if there is an item # entered and nothing about its descriptions will pop up a Msg Box saying that specific Item # description is not entered , if there are Msg Box Saying There are multiple Items # with Description. The Array...
  19. R

    Get the Last column Letter formula

    Hi Xor lx, I tried using the above but the same is resulting the memory issues as the formula needs to be applied for 500 rows. Do you have an alternative for the same
  20. R

    Format in Pivot table

    Hi Team, attached is a sample pivot table were I require a vba code which will automatically change the format of the field based on "hours" or Activity at its end. currently the pivot table keeps change back to its currency format if I select and deselect the Hours Field columns. all the...
  21. R

    multiple format in Pivot table

    Hi Vletm, I did try but it keeps changing as I change the Value fields. Is there any better way to handle it , like when is select any hours field it should be in Number and any activity field with Currency format. Appreciate you help in this regard
  22. R

    multiple format in Pivot table

    Hi , it still changes when I select the other value , like Actual hours and billed activity . my need is to keep the format even when the value's selection is changed
  23. R

    multiple format in Pivot table

    Hi Team, I am looking for help in preserving the number format when pivot table is updated, in the attached file i hvae activity and hours , i need hours to be in general format and activity in currency format. I tried to by selecting preserve cell format on update but no luck. Appreciate...
  24. R

    With Statment with for loop

    Hey Debaser, Thanks a lot , this even works better.... however if you provide me some in detail explanation on what Vdata and value 2 & Odic used for that would realy helpfull .
  25. R

    With Statment with for loop

    Thank you so much Debaser, that works :) Could you also , provide the array functionality to the below code as well . below code is trying to identify the duplicate value and make them unique. Dim myDataRng As Range Dim cell As Range Set myDataRng = Range("A13:A" &...