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Search results

  1. W

    Transpose inconsistent data from multiple rows to multiple columns

    Is there no way to make them match the label? In your spreadsheet, where the label location name in D1, all the method in that column D2 to D4 shows street. ( maybe there is a confusion, in the first spreadsheet there is no label, i added it in the second spreadsheet to make it easier for me to...
  2. W

    Transpose inconsistent data from multiple rows to multiple columns

    Hi Faseeh, I really appreciate your help. I just have some questions. on the =TRANSPOSE(B2:B12), i followed your steps and the result is not i was expected. ( there is no title to the given data) shouldn't the transpose be B1:B12? Maybe I was being confusing. Let me make you a new...
  3. W

    Transpose inconsistent data from multiple rows to multiple columns

    Why doesn't my spreadsheet show as a picture like the others. >_< I read the forum rules and they doesn't say. Is there any code I need to insert?
  4. W

    Transpose inconsistent data from multiple rows to multiple columns

    https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AtgP7DEnOGEHdE9TeGNzUUdpdzB3U1JlaDY2ellpeGc Location Address Location Name Street Location Refernece Number City state, zip Location Name Street Location Refernece Number City state, zip Location...