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Search results

  1. N

    Vlookups, with full search and wildcard and text,

    Hello sample file attached.
  2. N

    Vlookups, with full search and wildcard and text,

    Hello, Can someone please explain how I can do a Vlookup..(not partially) but in a dataset/range and search in full all the way down the column and then bring back anything it contains as follows... e.g. Column 1- contains...(the lookup column) xxxAndy.ped..xxxx xxxAndro...2wedvvv...
  3. N

    formula link

    Hello, Really basic question...even though i can do some lookups, match, pivots you know all the basic office stuff.. Essentially i remember in one of my previous work roles we'd have extensive sheets linked to each other..again standard stuff.. but when I would press e.g. CELL REF: E23 (BY...