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Search results

  1. E

    Mirrored Side by Side Bar Chart

    The blue and red issues are related in that they are a certain type of issue, but we need to split them between two groups in our organisation. @Hui, thank you for this, but we do not want them to be stacked - essentially we want a side by side bar chart for the items raised (the bars go up...
  2. E

    Mirrored Side by Side Bar Chart

    Hello all, I'm trying to create a graph which shows issues created and resolved over time in each quarter. The numbers should be cumulative, so that we can see that although we have new issues coming in all the time, we are closing more issues than we open. The problem I'm having is we...
  3. E

    Macro to copy excel into word table

    Hello everyone I've written a macro which is designed to run through a selected range of cells, open a word document, paste data from the selected rows into a table, and then save the document as a different file (so it creates one document for each row). You need these files to run it...
  4. E

    Pivot without using pivots

    I managed to break it! Somehow it is not working, although I can't see how it is different from my formula... Here is my formula: {=INDEX(InventoryNum,SMALL(IF((Status=$C$47)*(Category=$D$47)*(Stream=$E$47),ROW(Status)-2),ROW(A1)))} Here is Kaushik's formula...
  5. E

    Pivot without using pivots

    It seems to work without changing the ROW(A1) on the end of the formula. - not sure why? Thanks for your continuing help guys, it'd be great to understand this so I can troubleshoot this in future!
  6. E

    Pivot without using pivots

    Ok, I tried it and named ranges seem to work too. @Kaushik, thank you, this worked well for me. Can someone explain please the reason for the "ROW(Table1[Colour])-2),ROW(D1)" section of his formula? And why the minus 2?
  7. E

    Pivot without using pivots

    Guys, thank you so much for this. You all gave me a good way to achieve this. I am glad that I formatted the data as a table as it gives me the human language field names, and makes it easier to understand. However, my data is not in a table format - it is actually in a normal data range...
  8. E

    Pivot without using pivots

    (The real table has far more rows and columns than this).
  9. E

    Pivot without using pivots

    Hi all, I'm building a dashboard which needs to update every week. I want to build a nice, pretty table which pulls in rows of data based on certain criteria. For example, I might want to show in the dashboard rows where the item is owned by Bill, and is red, and is Critical, but only show...
  10. E

    Insert array values into a multi-column listbox, then paste selected values

    I have two columns of data, one is a number, and one is a name on one worksheet, 'Search'. I have a similar arrangement of data on another sheet in the same workbook called 'Database'. The difference between the two is that in Database the numbers are present but with other characters around...