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  1. H

    Sorting each individual row of numbers in ascending order

    Hi Debraj, Absolutely wonderful !!! I tested your example worksheet first, got that to work, went back to mine, still had trouble. Then I went and deleted the module in mine, copied and pasted the new code again and hey presto, it worked wonderfully. This will save me untold amounts of time...
  2. H

    Sorting each individual row of numbers in ascending order

    Hi Debraj, OK, changed to new code. What are the exact steps to run it ? thanks Hedley
  3. H

    Sorting each individual row of numbers in ascending order

    Hi Debraj, Thanks for your advice and the code. When i tell it to run the macro it gives an error on the following line : ActiveSheet.Sort.SortFields.Clear I have never used VBA before, but managed to copy and paste easy enough, and then ran it and the error occoured. Before I ran it...
  4. H

    Sorting each individual row of numbers in ascending order

    hi bobhc , The bottom 5 rows are sorted left to right in numerical order, the top five rows are jumbled. Each individual row needs to be sorted in numerical order. I go data, sort, then it asks me to sort by a row number and by doing that it is all jumbled up. I need each and every row...
  5. H

    Sorting each individual row of numbers in ascending order

    Helo all, Hedley here, I have many times tried to sort many rows all at once in excel without any success. I seem to be able to sort only one row at a time, then select the next row and use cntrl 'y' to repeat the sort. I have 1000 rows of data to sort. I have included a sample sheet...