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Search results

  1. G

    Using the Replace command on multiple seperate characters in a single cell

    Thanks so much to all, I can see I will learn lots of new Excell tricks on this Forum, and Thanks to my wife Denice for introducing me to the site :-)
  2. G

    Using the Replace command on multiple seperate characters in a single cell

    Brilliant!! Thanks a million, I knew there had to be a way :-)
  3. G

    Using the Replace command on multiple seperate characters in a single cell

    I am trying to use the Replace command to change Asterixes (*) (e.g 12*50*5013*6) to "X", I can use th command to change the first asterix by using for example, =REPLACE(E23,3,1,"x"), but despite repeated attempts I cannot expand this to replace the other "*" in the same string of text. I have a...