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Search results

  1. J

    Replace certain text in a string of text

    Many thanks for your answer. Is there another formula that can achieve this? Or maybe a combination of formulas? Thanks
  2. J

    Replace certain text in a string of text

    Dear Sir Many thanks for the quick reply. It works perfectly. Just another question. How do I instead of typing in the "2012/3/3"), "Administration Fee"),11 tell it to fetch the data from another cell on the page. Say for instance 2012/3/3 is in cell C5, Administration Fee is in D5 and 11 is...
  3. J

    Replace certain text in a string of text

    Hi All What formula would I need to use if I want to replace certain text in a text string with data in other cells? Example: Text string 1,"01/03/2011","G","3200000","PMT03001","Bank charges",9.5,0,0," "," ","8400000",1,1,0,0,0,9.5 Need to replace with 20120303 ADMINISTRATION FEE...