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  1. K

    Data list

    How do I do that ?
  2. K

    Data list

    all the 3 lines should be marked True. Thank you
  3. K

    Data list

    Can anyone help? pls
  4. K

    Data list

    I just want to make a comparison if Column B value contain in Column A. For example if cell B1 = Ahmad Azman Bin Ahmad Saud which Ahman Azman Ahmad Saud does contain in cell A1 so column C1 should be True
  5. K

    Data list

    Hi Narayan, Here is the sample file. https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B5EZglgobyljRzV5MkNPMC1WSVU
  6. K

    Data list

    Hi Narayan, Its in one cell both Column A and Column B. I want column C to return the matching names from Column B and check in the whole column of A . Thanks for your quick respond. Regards, Kasthuri.
  7. K

    Data list

    Hi , I need help on finding the matching values. Column A - Tan Ai Ling Column B - Ai Ling Tan Column C should return the matching names - Ai Ling Tan. What formula should I use for this. HOpe you can help me. Thanks.