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  1. V

    Help to create a rule in excel.

    Hi Vijay, I want to hide the whole column B1 and C1 if the column A1 is No. The spread sheet i am using is a form. I don't want the users to fill the column B1 and C1 if the column A1 is No. Hui, Sorry ,I am new to excel world and I have no idea in using VBA in excel. Thanks, Vat
  2. V

    Help to create a rule in excel.

    Hi, I have got three columns A,B,C. A is having two values Yes/No. What I am trying to achieve is, if the value in column A is Yes. Display columns B and C. and if the value in column A is No, hide column B and C. Is it possible to create a rule in excel?
  3. V

    Excel formula Doesn't work

    Hi, I actually figured it out. But i am not sure how will i expalin. Since i am a new bee to blogging its bit difficult for me to explain. But i really liked the blog and response time. I will think how could i explain and will post soon.. Thanks for your efforts guys!!!
  4. V

    Excel formula Doesn't work

    Hi Oldchippy, Thank you for welcoming me to the blog. The values are H6: 90 I6: 95 J6: 100 K6 : can vary from 90 to 100 Does that answer your question?
  5. V

    Excel formula Doesn't work

    Hi I have got a formula mentioned below that doesn't work. First two parts of the formula works but not the last condition. Anyone could help please? =IF(K6="No","-",IF(OR(K6<H6),0%,IF(AND(K6>=J6),200%,IF(K6>=H6,(50%+(K6-H6)*10),IF(K6>=I6,(100%+(K6-I6)*20),Error )))))