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Search results

  1. J

    Can I VLOOKUP a formula instead of a value?

    Hi All, Is it possible to use VLOOKUP to reference a formula from a table of formulas that will calculate the referenced formula rather than return the existing value of the existing formula? I have attached a sample workbook, the VLOOKUPS in question are on the first tab and highlighted in...
  2. J

    Trying to update a date format change to an entire column

    But I can't figure out how to update all the cells at once without having to hit enter on each cell. Is there a tick to do this? I have tried copying and pasting special - formats but that isn't committing the change unless I hit enter on every cell Thanks!
  3. J

    Getting partial characters from a cell

    Thank you! Talk about instant gratification, that worked perfectly, the check is in the mail!
  4. J

    Getting partial characters from a cell

    Hi, I am trying to get all the characters on the left side of a cell excluding the last 6 values. The example is 10600V40329. I know I can use =LEFT(A1,5), but because I have thousand of these and they have variable character lengths, I am looking for a formula that will subtract just the last...