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  1. J

    Using VLOOKUP or MATCH With a Drop Down List?

    Ahhh...OFFSET!!!!! Genius, thanks Faseeh. In the other column I want YTD for whatever period, so if it is March i want Jan-March of the year selected.
  2. J

    Using VLOOKUP or MATCH With a Drop Down List?

    Faseeh - I can see how my request and spreadsheet could be confusing. Let's try this one more time using a much condensed version. As you can see, what I am really trying to do is build something that will be used going forward as I add historical data to both month and year...
  3. J

    Using VLOOKUP or MATCH With a Drop Down List?

    I'll get another sample up...for now all I am trying to do is get a formula so the data in cell A4, A8, A12 changes to the proper month from the practice data sheet and that month is determined by the drop down in C1...forget about the other formulas and sheets for now. Thanks
  4. J

    Using VLOOKUP or MATCH With a Drop Down List?

    Faseeh - Yes, there a large number of sheets. I only am concerned right now about the dashboard sheet pulling data from the practice data sheet, not any of the other sheets. I should have deleted them for this sample. I will do that now. Thanks for pointing out my error.
  5. J

    Using VLOOKUP or MATCH With a Drop Down List?

    Sorry, took me a bit to create a sample file of the data and figure out how to share the file. https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B648I7rbmMF7N3VQQW9TVTlUMjY0WHhMLVc5Z1RpUQ
  6. J

    Using VLOOKUP or MATCH With a Drop Down List?

    I have a dashboard with many data sheets and several summary sheets. on the main summary sheet the formulas currently point to a specific cell on some other sheet. What I want to do is add a drop down list to the summary sheet (a period of time, like month or year)and let the user pull in the...