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  1. J

    Rent Income increment one year after commencement

    its working!thanks everyone for your help
  2. J

    Rent Income increment one year after commencement

    sorry its still not working
  3. J

    Rent Income increment one year after commencement

    thanks very much..I will try it
  4. J

    Rent Income increment one year after commencement

    Hi Narayan, This is not working as well. All the cells are ok except the month when the increment is due. #NAME?. thanks, Jan
  5. J

    Rent Income increment one year after commencement

    Uploaded the file again- shows the errors http://speedy.sh/gA42M/Income-budget.xls
  6. J

    Rent Income increment one year after commencement

    its not working, comes up with the error name- in the month when there is a rent review and also, if there is no review date is past (not in the financial year) means they are on special deal and wont pay the rent increase.
  7. J

    Rent Income increment one year after commencement

    thanks I will try it
  8. J

    Rent Income increment one year after commencement

    yes Narayan, that's correct
  9. J

    Rent Income increment one year after commencement

    Here is the link hope you can help. http://speedy.sh/agMRS/Income-budget.xls
  10. J

    Rent Income increment one year after commencement

    thanks Narayan, how do I upload a spread sheet here..first time on this forum
  11. J

    Rent Income increment one year after commencement

    Hi, Need some help with my income budget and cashflow for a retail shopping centre. Have over 100 shops each with different lease start dates , the rental increase is exactly one year after the start date, based on CPI or at a rate stated in the contract. I want to budget monthly rental...