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  1. S

    1 Workbook, 100s of tabs, having overview in one Master tab

    The Indirect/Address function totally is enough for me, I don´t need to get into VBA just for this project. I just tested it in another workbook and it works! Thanks for taking the time and helping me out.
  2. S

    1 Workbook, 100s of tabs, having overview in one Master tab

    HI SirJB7, thanks for all the work and effort you put in to help me. I´ll be looking at your workbook this weekend when I have some free time and let you know if I have more questions. RIght now, I have no clue where you put that VBA code, but I try to find it out myself before asking here...
  3. S

    1 Workbook, 100s of tabs, having overview in one Master tab

    Hi SirJB7, Thanks again for your help, but could you do me a favor and explain to me how you set that up step by step? Also I manually added a Hoja4 in your sheet and it doesn´t show up in the drop down menu (as you mentioned) however I can manually input it and it works. I can very well live...
  4. S

    1 Workbook, 100s of tabs, having overview in one Master tab

    Thank you very much for your reply, however that´s not what I´m looking for. Let me explain it in a different way. Let´s assume I have 3 tabs in my workbook: Germany1, France1, USA1. All tabs are built in the same way, since I basically just copy an empty one whenever a new investment needs to...
  5. S

    1 Workbook, 100s of tabs, having overview in one Master tab

    Hi guys, the last time I asked for help you were able to come up with a solution quickly, thank you very much again, so I´m counting on you another time. The problem this time is, I have no clue whether the solution I´m looking for is even possible in Excel. Like mentioned in the title, I...
  6. S

    Moving averages with gaps in a formatted table

    Thanks again! It works, you have been a great help!
  7. S

    Moving averages with gaps in a formatted table

    Wow Luke, thank you very much, that really works! What do I have to do if I want to keep everything the same except for the fact that I want "0" to be displayed up until the count reaches 10 investments? Thanks again, you have been a great help!
  8. S

    Moving averages with gaps in a formatted table

    Hi guys, I hope you can help me with my problem. I´m working on a personal project where I´m trying to monitor different investments. I have the amount invested in the E-column, the potential return per unit in the F-column, the success rate of each investment in the G-column and the net...