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Search results

  1. Y

    how to convert a number to words eg. RS 1000 to rupees one thousand only

    how to convert a number to words eg. RS 1000 to rupees one thousand only
  2. Y

    What are the common usage of Index Match function

    Dear All, I have read that the Index and Match function is one of the most useful function in Excel. I have tried to learn about Index and match function in web a lot but i did not understand that as it is a wonderful function in excel. I know well lookup functions and uses for comparing...
  3. Y

    Count if function to find repeated

    Dear Friends, I have used countif function to find repeated item i a column. for example Emp No 100 100 100 when i apply the countif function i got result as below. ( Count if) 100 3 100 2 100 1 I want to get the result in revers as below 100 1 100 2 100 3 Could...
  4. Y

    offsetting a positive value with a negative value in a column

    Luke..thanks for ur answer but it is not working if repeated values occurs.. 10- 10 20- 20 10 30 in above case i have to separate the 10 & 30. here in your formula the 10 is showing matched but it is not offsetting.
  5. Y

    offsetting a positive value with a negative value in a column

    Dear all, I am taking much time to offset manually the values in a column. I wanted to separate the values which is not offsetting in the column. for example a 10 -10 20 -20 30 in above example i wanted to separate the 30 using any formula because it is not offsetting with another same...