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  1. E

    need some help please

    thank you very much SirJB7! I got the file and i'll try it. :)
  2. E

    need some help please

    helo again SirJB7 I tried to get the file from the address you posted but nothing happend. I couldnt download it. Anyway thanks for your time
  3. E

    need some help please

    thank you for your reply SirJB7 and to you NARAYANK991 the problem is that i'm not that good in vba codes. I like your idea SirJB7 and i would appreciate your help if you could possibbly write a vba code for me please.
  4. E

    need some help please

    hello everyone i have this code in vb Function DateAndTime() DateAndTime = Now End Function which i used to create a static date and time in this formula =IF(K12="","Deb",IF(K12="Pag.",DateAndTime(),IF(K12="Larg.",DateAndTime()))) and it works ok but when i filter the collumn by date...