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Search results

  1. V

    Advanced VLOOKUP

    I have prepared an excel which contains tick by tick share market data i.e. trade volume and cumulative volume at exchange at each second of trading hours. I need volume data for the time period of 09:30:00 to 14:00:00. I have applied formula of VLOOKUP which gives me the most accurate...
  2. V

    Dynamic column reference formula.

    Dear Narayan, Have uploaded the excel.
  3. V

    Dynamic column reference formula.

    Dear Narayan, Thankyou so very much for your efforts. But still I am facing problem using the given formula. I am attaching my actual file with this post. Please see that excel is giving #N/A error in all cells in my "Functionality Matrix" worksheet, which is my dashboard.
  4. V

    Dynamic column reference formula.

    Dear Narayan, Thankyou so very much for your efforts. But still I am facing problem using the given formula. I am attaching my actual file with this post. Please see that excel is giving #N/A error in all cells in my "Functionality Matrix" worksheet, which is my dashboard.
  5. V

    Dynamic column reference formula.

    Hello, I am having an excel, attached. In this the : First page is the Dashboard, which gives the statistics of results. Second page contins results for Access functionality. Third page contins results for Orders functionality. The cycle 1 results are defined under column head "ActRes_C1"...
  6. V

    Worksheet Name list.

    I am having a very big excel work book, which contains more than 50 worksheets. I need a formula which list down the name of all worksheet in the workbook.
  7. V

    Countif formula query for multiple worksheets.

    SUPERB Sam!!!! Hats Off.... You have solved my problem.... loving it....
  8. V

    Countif formula query for multiple worksheets.

    I am having an excel sheet with Index. INDEX Pass Failed Order Entry 50 60 Report 70 80 The workbook contains functionality wise test cases in different sheets. The Index contains the name of...
  9. V

    Excel Confusion

    I am preparing a report with numbering in MS Excel 2010. URGENT In cell A1 the value is 1.1 and in A2 value is 1.2. Now from A4 I am describing the details thus, needs formula which automatically numbers it to 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3 and so on. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
  10. V

    Event based formula.

    Hello, I am having an excel file which records daily progress of test cases execution row-wise. The report is divided into 2 sections. 1st section gives the details of todays counts and the next section gives the historical dates status. This all is done manually. I wanted to write a macro...