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Search results

  1. A

    VBA Code to remove Zero from Cells

    Dear Marc, Apologies, I do not understand. Can you assist in solving the issue.
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    VBA Code to remove Zero from Cells

    I have tried recording macros doing the Control+Find / Replace option but land-up with incorrect output. Normally end up removing the '0' from 10,20 and 30 not what I want... Code needed to do the following: 1) Cell B4:O8 - Look for '0' (Zero) - not the 10,20,30.... (basically anything less...
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    Delete row if...

    @Fluff13 - The code is amazing, took the details and pasted on a similar challenge I have been facing. Works perfectly!! Thank you once again for sharing..
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    VBA Code needed to Find Value in Column, Change Color of Cell if Value Found, Else End

    Sorry, I question - does the MsgBox background color have to be the Standard Grey or can that be changed also - may be to color BLUE Thanks once again.
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    VBA Code needed to Find Value in Column, Change Color of Cell if Value Found, Else End

    This is awesome!! Works exactly as I asked. Thanks Luke Moraga Yes I wanna buy you a drink! any other option... not on Paypal.
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    VBA Code needed to Find Value in Column, Change Color of Cell if Value Found, Else End

    Dear Excel & VBA Experts, I am working on a small project and need to do this routine task of finding if any rooms are booked under the category "T3RRF2" - how do I write the code in VBA for the following (excel file attached - FIND "T3RRF2") 1) Find "T3RRF2" in entire Column D 2) If Column...
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    Display all rows that fulfill a criteria

    Dear All, I would like to ask your help in finding out a formula that would display all rows which fulfill the criteria Example : Cell A1 = 90% and Cell B1 = 96% Given the data in Cell C1 to C300, I would like a formula which will filter and display only the rows which have the numbers...
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    Countdown Timer - live update in excel

    Thank you once again, works now for me. regards Arjun
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    Countdown Timer - live update in excel

    Thank you Hui, Rather simple, have put the date : 23/May/2011 18:00:00 in cell A1 and then Now() in cell B1 - Cell C1 = A1-B1 This gives me the result, I have to close the workbook everytime to see an update. Hope I have been able to explain what I have done. Thank you once again for your...
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    Countdown Timer - live update in excel

    Hi, I have been able to get the countdown working, just that I have to log off and log in back to see the changes. Does excel have the functionality which displays the countdown as normally (digital) done during any major events. Thanks in advance for your assistance. regards Arjun